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Your POV:

"Again!" Ashlyn yelled.

"Can we stop now?" I said kneeling over. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my shirt. "We're been here for 5 hours."

"How do you feel?"

"Tired!" I said.

She rolled her eyes. "Besides tired."

"I feel like I got hit by a train." I said to her. 

She sighed. "Okay then we're done." She said walking out to her car. 

"Hey. Wait for me." I ran after her. She got in and I tired to open the door. 

She locked them.

"Ash this isn't funny unlock the doors."

"And where do you think you'd go? Home? Last time I checked you hate Hope, fought Morgan and don't live anywhere near here. This is where you'll be stay. It's stocked with stuff you'll need." She drove off.

"ASH!" I yelled after her. I put my hands on top of my head and groaned. "FUCK!" I kicked the dirt. "Just leave me here that's cool." I sighed and sat on the front step. Luckily I still had my phone but everyone was team Hope right now. I found the number for my social worker and called it.

Hope's POV:

"How long are you gonna leave her there?" Ashlyn asked me.

"That wasn't my idea that was all you. So Ash, how long are YOU gonna leave her there." I stared at her.

"That's it. I'm going to get her." Kelley said getting her keys.

"I'm coming too." 

"Hope she said she hates you why are you still trying?" Ashlyn stood up.

"Cause I know she didn't mean it. She was mad and when people are mad they say things they don't mean. I get it if she hates me, everyone hates me." I said.  "I hate me." I mumbled.

Kelley grabbed my hand. "I don't hate you." She said. "And Ash doesn't hate you either right Ash."



"No I don't." She said. "I just wish I got to play more but it's whatever." She signed. Kelley glared at her. "Kel relax. I'm joking." She looked at me. "Hope I love you alright. You know that."

"Yes I do."

"Good now tell your girlfriend over her to stop killing me in her mind!"

"Girlfriend?" Kelley looked at her.

"The goalkeeper and her defender." Ashlyn smiled. "What a love story."

Kelley walked out to her car. "I didn't know we were talking about you and Kriegs now." 

Ash stopped. "Oh fuck you O'Hara."

"Sorry I'm taken remember. The keeper and her defender. Let's go Princess Hope it's off to save your little shit of a daughter!" Kelley got in the drivers seat and waited for me.

I shook my head. "Thanks for coming to help Ash." I hugged her. "You're a great friend." 

"Yeah yeah. If she gets out of line again call me."

"Bye Ash." I got in the passenger seat.

"Come on! She released a lot of anger it helps!" We drove off.

"What ever you say Ash." I laughed. 

Kelley drove to the place and we went inside. "Kiddo!" Kelley yelled. "Come on let's go home!" She looked around. "Y/N?" Kelley came back to me. "She's not here."

"Where would she go?"

"I don't know." I looked around.

Your POV:

"You sure about this?" My social worker asked on the phone.

"Positive." I said looking out the window of the car. I called an uber to drive me to the airport.

"I'll pick you up from the airport then. See you in a few hours." She hung up.

I watched houses pass as the car moved.

Time to meet my parents.

My real parents.  

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