Together Again

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Still seeing a lot of both JJ and Moe and since you're not even 18 yet in this (even though Moe isn't that much older) right now I'm not gonna start a romantic relationship but you will get close with both of them. Also a saw a comment for a Kling fanfic and if more people want that I can work on something. Anything to keep all you amazing wonderful people happy. 

Hope's POV:

I was able to calm Y/N down and get her to tell me what happened.

The team got a little drunk and started to get rowdy. Y/N remember something that happened when she was younger and was being foster by a family.

"What happened?" I said.

"He would always get drunk."

"The dad?"

"Yeah. And he'd come home and always picked a kid to punish."

"What did he do to the kid?"

"He beat them. The neighbors found out and that was the first time I was removed from a home instead of getting kicked out. That's why I really don't like drinking."

Luckily the team's time was over since they won and Y/N was able to get on a flight to Brazil. Me, Meghan and Morgan were going to get her. 

"Does it really take 3 people to pick up 1 teenage girl?" I  said.

"Yes." Morgan said.

"I missed the little shit." Meghan added.

We got to the airport and saw her. She ran to me and hugged me. "You're okay." I said to her. I rubbed her back and held her.

"I'm tired." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"Let's go back to the hotel." We drove back and I took her to my room. 

"Great World Cup Y/N." Alex said hugging her. "I'm so proud of you." The rest of the team greeted her and then left her to rest.

"I missed you." She said. 

"I missed you too kiddo." I smiled.

"How's it going with KO?"

"I haven't really tried anything." 

"You should go for it. But wait till you guys win gold." She said. 

I laughed. "I will." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Get some sleep."

She rolled over and I got up. 

"Hey." Julie said. "Jill wanted me to get you. Dawn has a little training thing right now for the keepers. Ash is already down there."

"Thanks." I looked back at Y/N. "Can you tell Kelley to tell her where I am when she wakes up?"

"I can do it. I think Kelley's out for a run anyway."

"Thanks JJ."

She smiled. "Don't mention." 

I left the room. 

Your POV:

I woke up and looked around the room. "Hey you're up." 

I saw JJ walk over.

"How long did I sleep?" 

"Few hours." She sat down. "Hope's at training. I said I'd stay here with you."

"You stayed here this whole time?" She nodded. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"Cause you looked so peaceful. It's fine." She smiled. The door opened and Kelley walked in. 

"Hope." She froze. "Oh. Uh. Where's Hope?"

"Training." JJ answered.

"Oh." She said. "I'll just be going then."

"Love you too Kel." I said.

She came back in. "You're just too young for me." She smiled. "Can I chill here?"

"Duh." We turned the TV on and waited for Hope to come back. 

"So have you thought about schools?"

"Yeah but I don't really know if I'm gonna stick with soccer." I said watching the movie that was on.

"Why not?"

"Don't get me wrong I love it but I've loved music more." I said. "I just don't know how to tell Hope."

"Be honest with her." Kelley said.

"But she's so proud of me. Winning this championship, getting offers from NWSL teams and big schools." I put my head down. "I don't want her to be disappointed."

Julie put her arm around me. "She'd never be disappointed in you. You just have to tell her. Just come right out and say it."  

"Come right out and say what?" Hope said walking into the room. 

"Y/N is gay." Kelley said. 

"KELLEY!" Me and Julie yelled.

I looked at Hope. "I'm not." 

"Even if you were I'm fine with it. Still love you the same." She smiled.

"Good to know but I like boys."

Hope laughed. "You're so cute. No dating till you're 30." I stared at her.

"I turn 18 in a few weeks."

"Then you have 12 years left."


"No buts."

I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Why? Got a hot date or something?" Kelley nudged me. She gasped. "IS IT MASON!?"

I looked at her. "Ew he was my brother at one point."

"I think everyone in the US was related to you at one point." Kelley laughed.

"Ha ha. You're not funny." I glared at her.

"Hope she's got your bitch face down." Kelley looked at. 

Hope walked over. "It's like looking in a mirror."

I looked at Julie. "Guys leave Y/N alone."

"Thank you JJ."

"Oh there you are! Sorry I thought you were Hope."

They all laughed and I sighed.

"You guys are annoying."

"Quiet mini Hope."

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