Chapter 36 Graduation

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Sorry for the long wait! School and student government has kept me busy! Without further delay here's chapter 36!


Normal POV

Shortly after Akashi's birthday came Christmas, and then December 31st came, (y/n)'s birthday. Unlike Akashi's birthday where there were 13 people, (y/n) didn't want a party, she wanted to spend her birthday and New Year's Eve with alone her emperor, which she did. Before (y/n) and (bf/n)'s friends and family went back to America, her parents brought her a car as a birthday gift.


One year time skip

You and (bf/n) are trying on your dresses for graduation.

"I can't believe tomorrow is graduation!" You shouted excitedly.

"I know! It feels like yesterday was when we arrived in Japan! Remember when we met angry midget in the store the first day we arrived, and he was all like, (imitates Akashi)" know your place foreigner" (Bf/n) replied.

"Yeah he was so rude back then, but so were you.

"Heh what are you talking about (y/n), I was like the nicest person!"

"Ha! Well whatever floats your boat...hey, can you zip the back of my dress up?"

"Sure, no problem... There you go, you look great! I'm sure Akashi will like it!"

"Thanks! I'm sure Aomine will like how you look ."

"Oh, he can't make it."

"Huh? How come?"

"Apparently Horikata Mai died and he has to go to her funeral."

"If Seijuro did that I'd slap him."

"Oh don't worry, I already punched Daiki a couple of times."


Your POV

It's finally graduation day! I'm so glad I'm not the number 1 or 2 student because then I'd have to make a speech. No thanks, I'm happy with being 4th in the class. My parents couldn't make it due to a business conference. Right now, Sei-chan is giving his speech since he's valedictorian. His voice is so alluring, I don't even know what he's saying, I'm just listening to his voice.

"Hey (y/n) what's with that stupid grin on your face, are you thinking dirty~" (bf/n) whispered.

"Shut up." I responded. It's not my fault Sei's voice is a gift from above.

His speech is over, and he walks back to where he was standing, next to me.

"Is there something wrong with your face (y/n)?" He casually asked me.

"Is it a crime to smile?"

"No, but your smile looks like your imagination cooked up something dirty while I was making my speech."

[EDITING] Star crossed  (Knb: Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now