Chapter 18

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Hi my loves!! Merry Christmas!!!! Enjoy this weird/cute chapter lol

Love you all!



The blue eyed lad looked into the mirror he was holding in his hands and sighed poking at the red dot on his forehead. He pouted setting the mirror down and walked off into the kitchen where his husband was drawing up some stuff as the brown eyes lad cooked up breakfast

"Z, I have a fucking pimple!" Zayn laughed watching his husband pout his way towards him and he engulfed him in a hug and kissed his forehead where the red dot was

"There, it will be gone soon enough. You look beautiful anyway love so calm down. Sit, Liam is making breakfast." Niall rolled his eyes sitting on the stool beside him placing his elbows on the counter

"Alright, so we're visiting my family today and then yours tomorrow right?" Zayn nodded kissing his husbands shoulder

"Yea. But we have to spend time here with Liam before we leave." Liam gave them a smile as he started placing their plates in front of them

"Okay. Well anyway, in other news, I left Louis like fifty Happy Birthday messages and he hasn't responded to me yet. I feel like he might be hungover or -"

"Hello?" they all furrowed their eyebrows at the foreign voice and Niall walked out to the bakeries lobby entry and his eyes went wide

"Zayn!" Zayn and Liam quickly ran to see a tattooed group of men and the oh so familiar red head in the middle. Niall backed away gripping Zayn's hand

"Hi there. I heard a little twink owned this café. You know where he might be? I have a few words to exchange with him." Liam furrowed his eyebrows and stepped forward

"Aren't you Kyle? Harry's boyfriend?" the red head's eyes squinted eyeing Liam

"You are?"

"Liam. Harry's best friend. He's showed me pictures and talks about you a lot. Nice to finally meet you. He's on holiday vacation right now though. Did he not mention it to you?" Kyle shook his head still eyeing him. He thought, well my chances of finding Louis right now are slim to none. So Harry losing his friend by a car accident wasn't much he could lose

"No he didn't. But i'l make sure to call him later. But, like I said, i'm looking for the owner-"

"You need to leave Kyle. Just leave. Or i'l call the cops." Kyle scoffed taking off his jacket

"Like you called your dad? Yea Z, I got a taste of that. See we go into Dany's house, do the drop off, i'm under the impression he wants a blow, then I get shot at. Don't think so mate. I want fucking Louis now. Where is he!" Liam was confused

"You cheating on Harry? Listen mate I don't-"

"Shut up will ya? I'l kill you. Now, give me Louis and no one gets hurt." Liam was definitely scared now, he panicked and turned to run into the kitchen but Ricky pulled out a gun shooting his leg and he fell to the ground

"LIAM!" Niall released his husbands hand and went to sit by Liam who groaned in pain as he crawled his way to the corner "Li pull out my phone from my pocket, c'mon. Dial Zayn's dad. Go on." Kyle walked up to Zayn who had his fists tightened beside him

"Where is he Malik. The faster you tell me, the faster i'm gone." Manny and Jack walked around the place searching. Oscar then heard the sirens tapping Kyle's shoulder and they started walking out "You're lucky once again. But i'l come back. And you mister Liam. You say a word of this to Harry, and i'l kill you. Merry christmas." Liam cursed as Niall pressed down on his bleeding wound

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