Chapter 17

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Hi my loves! You probably get sick of my Author's notes, but I just love saying hi lol

Anyway, here's the next chap! Enjoy!

Love you all!



"That was a lot of fun. Thank you, i've never had that much fun. It was amazing-"

"Lou, you're welcome. But you're rambling." Louis grinned, a skip in his step as they made their way back to their room, he plopped on the bed. Good thing they dried out before coming back in

"Sorry. Just very pumped and excited. S'a lot of fun." Harry hummed grabbing his buzzing phone from the beach bag and sighed

"Looks like it's just you and I for dinner. Gem and Eddie are sleeping in for tonight." Louis groaned sliding down the bed onto the floor next to his suitcase

"Can we just order room service? I'm exhausted from today." the curly lad nodded walking over to the rooms phone and dialed the kitchen. Louis grabbed a pair of grey sweats and a black muscle shirt and skipped to the restroom

Harry thanked the chef hanging up and started undressing then settled himself into the open tub in the room facing the deep ocean view. He stared out the window and watched the fish swim about, his mind going to his mother. She loved the sea, always had someway of talking about it. He missed her so much, but he's glad she's in a better place. He sighed washing himself off, and then Louis stepped into the room in his clothes with dripping hair making a wet line down his shirt

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were using the room tub. I-"

"Louis, you've seen me bathe already. Can you please hand me the towel on the bed please?" he stood up from the tub, turning to face the wall, his bum in full display to Louis but he cleared his throat looking up at all times and handed him the towel "Thanks. I ordered us shrimp pasta, some white wine, and fruit salads. Is that alright?" Louis hummed in response settling himself on the bed right when the knock was heard

"I'l get it, you change." Harry walked into the restroom, the blue eyed lad opened the door and the waiter came in strolling the cart with their food

"Here you are sir. All quality food. If you need anything else just ring the kitchen. We are open all hours of the night and day." he smiled waving away and walked out. Louis chuckled and walked over to the car opening the lids, his stomach rumbling on cue. Harry stepped out ruffling his hair with the towel then threw it on the coffee table chair and plopped on the bed where Louis sat staring at the food

"We're watching a movie too. Hand me the remote please?" the blue eyed boy smiled throwing it at him and he swatted his arm turning the television on, then he gasped

"Lady And The Tramp Harry? Are you sure you're turning twenty-one soon?" Harry squinted his eyes and glared then shrugged settling himself in the middle of the bed grabbing a plate and a wine glass

"I like this movie. Now shut up, grab your wine and plate, and lets watch this." he rolled his eyes grabbing his food and wine and settled beside Harry on the bed. They both laughed and awed at the scenes with the two dogs, then the scene with the spaghetti came. Harry grinned grabbing a noodle from his plate and slurped it hitting his nose in the process making Louis topple over in laughter

"I'm guessing that's your favorite scene? Oh my god that was a kodak moment. Hilarious!" the curly head slapped his arm and laughed along with him

"Yes it is. I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say. And my mum used to watch this movie with me a lot." he pouted picking at his food and Louis sighed feeling sad for the boy. He grinned grabbing a noodle from his plate and poked Harry with his toe to look at him do it as well, they both laughed as it hit his cheek

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