Chapter 5: Dealings

Start from the beginning

Her words felt like a sword piercing through my heart and pinning me to a wall. Sorrow. Sorrow is what felt because I hurt her. Depression is what I'm drifting to because she hates me. Pain. Is what I put her through, healing her is what I'm gonna do.
"I'm so sorry. I know how wrong I am and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me. I'm sorry. Just let time progress and ima make it up to I promise." "Leave Jamaica.... NOW!" she screamed causing me to jump and rush out of the door. I ran past everyone as years welled up in my eyes. Analaa called me back but I continued to run. I can't believe I'm crying over a girl! ..... AGAIN!

The last time I cried was when Arora told me she hated me...


"Auntie..who is that?" Arora asked as she sat down on the couch in my house. She stared Kimora up and down making sure she caught glimpse of everything she had on. "Niece this is my new girlfriend." I told her not even believing I said that.
"No she's not. Ahayah is your girlfriend. She's in jail though but she is your girlfriend." She spat making me drop my head. "No Arora, Kimora is my girlfriend Ahayah was just a friend." I spoke half whispering. It didn't sound right coming from me at all. The silence in the room caused heavy tension and to my luck there were sniffles.

"I liked Ahayah a lot. You just upped and left her when she went to jail. Thats very mean auntie. I hate people like you. No I hate you." With that she grabbed all her things and stormed out. My instincts told me to follow her but I was stuck. She actually said that to me.

Tears rushed to my eye lids and pushed their way out. "Umm.. I would've beat her ass aint no way in hell ima let a lil ass girl talk to me like that." Kimora spat as she twisted her hair with her index finger. "Just chill. This between me and her not you." I spoke calmly flopping down on the couch letting tears fall from my face. I hurt two of my most favorite women.... Again.


I snapped back into reality and realized that I was standing in the middle of oncoming traffic. Or well was oncoming until my dumb ass stood in the middle of the road with my head so far gone.

The little old lady that was behind the steering wheel of the beeping horn waved me off to keep moving while the others cussed and snapped. I wanted so bad to stand there and make them mad but my instincts made me move. Ion know how crazy them people are.

As soon as I got close by my car my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.... Kimora of course.
"Hey where are you?" She asked into the phone the baby crying the background.

"On my way back home." I spoke with attitude. I don't know why I just don't feel like talking to her.

"Oh umm... okay nvm." She snapped back. I just laughed in my head.

I hung up on her and drove home to my my 3 day old baby girl. Who is every spit of her momma. From the lips to the eyes but lets just hope she's nothing like her.

"Where you was Jamaica?" "Damn I'm just walking through the door can you save them questions for later?" I slammed my keys on the table and took my baby from her heading upstairs where we won't have to be around her insecure ass.

"What have I done to you?! Not a Damn thing! You're the one who's been all around your ex and all that bull crap. Don't think I don't know cause I do! If you tryna get back with her just gone head and slide cause umm we don't need you!" She snapped as she got closer and closer to my face.

I act like I didn't even acknowledge her and kept smiling down at the beautiful creature that rest in my palms. Her small almond shaped eyes closed slowly while her mammy walked around the room slamming stuff and still yelling. "Umn can you shut the fuck up my baby tryna sleep." I said in the most calm voice ever her eyes popped right back open looking dead at me. She stopped and looked at me but continued right after.

"You know what Jamaica. I'm not fina go through this. I'm out. Don't hurt my baby." With the being said she grabbed her bag and keys and stormed down the stairs out the front door. "Thats fine we good anyway. We fina watch movies, drink milk, and chill. Aina lil ma?" I said to Amora who lay in my arms staring at me like she ain't know who the hell I was.

I snapped a quick picture of her while she just sat there and sent it to Ahayah. I know she's mad at me but I want her to see the baby. Minutes later she replied.

Her❤: She is so gorgeous! Congrats... I hope I get to see her one day.

Me: You probably will. I'm happy you aren't mad anymore.❤

Texting her a while more I wound up taking even more pictures of us. Me and Ahayah talked like we were the best of friends even though earlier she wanted to kill me. It feels good knowing I can talk to her. Knowing she doesn't hate me at the minute.

Her❤: Hey I'm getting tired kiss your baby night night for me and you goodnight too!

Me: Okay will do! Goodnight ma I love you.

Her❤: One day at a time ugly.

Her words astonished me but I ain't let that show. I'm happy as hell right now cause she's willing to build a friendship with me again. No way am I gonna mess this up. Cuddling with Amora I pulled the covers over us and kissed her cheek then we both dozed off.

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