Chapter 7

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Thank the lords above that Luke isnt sick anymore. He is their really clingy or a complete jerk. Neither are fun to deal with. I got dressed then went downstair to make breakfeast. Luckily we had some ceral so thats what i was making for breakfeast. As i was about to eat my ceral, Luke woke up. "Mommy!" Luke shouted from upstairs. I got off my seat and went to get Luke. I opened the door and said "Hey baby, did you sleep good?" I asked. " Yes!" Luke responded. I picked Luke up and laid him on the changing table. "Baby, mommy has to go to the store. Do you wanna come?" I asked. "Yes mommy!" Luke said. "But you have to be a big boy." I said. "okay" Luke said with a frown on his face. I changed his messy nappy for a pull up and skinny jeans with a black t-shirt and a flannel overtop. "Do you want some breakfeast?" i asked Luke while helping him off the changing table. "Yea" he mumbled. "If you are good, I will buy you a new toy!" i said trying to cheer up Luke. "Yay!" Luke shouted. Me and Luke both sat at the counter and ate some ceral. "We need to go grocey store, is there anything you need?" I asked Luke. I grabbed a notepad off the fridge, to make the list. "No I am good." Luke responded. "Okay, I am going to go ask the other guys." The guys were in Michael's room playing video games. I walked in and they were still playing. "Me and Luke are going to the store you guys need anything?" They all shooke there heads no. And with that i walked back and out and went downstairs. Luke was sitting on the couch, wiggling and clamping his legs shut. " Luke do you need to go to the potty?" I asked him, it was obvious he had too. "No" Luke said. "Luke don't lie, it is obvious that you have to go. Just go to the bathroom." I said pointing to the downstairs bathroom. "I don't wanna!" Luke said. "Do you wanna wet pants. If not i suggest you go to the potty." I said walking to the kitchen to clean up breakfeast. A few mintues later, Luke came in the kitchen with tears rolling down his face. "Do you have to go to the potty?" I asked Luke. He nodded his head. "Then go to the bathroom Luke" I said once again pointing to the bathroom. Luke shoke his head no saying "Scary". "Oh baby, Do you want me to come?" I asked. "Yes." Luke replied with a slight blush crepping onto his face. I took Luke's hand and lead him to the bathroom. I pulled down his pants then his pull up and made him sit on the toilet.
-----Five Mintues Later-----
Luke finally went pee. Thank the lord. I helped him pull up his pull up. "You ready to go to the store Luke?" i asked. "Yea, lets go Sarah." he repiled. I put on my black converse, also i got Luke's black converse from the closet. I watched for a good three mintues, Luke struggling to put on his shoes. "Do you need some help?" "No i got this!" luke stated. "Okay I said putting my hands up in a defensive manner.
Five mintues of Luke struggling to tie his shoe was not fun. Untill he got fustrated and threw his shoe at the door. "What was that for?" "I can't do anything." Luke replied with tears filling his ocean blue eyes once again."Hey,Hey don't cry. I am here to help." I say grabbing the shoe he threw. I helped Luke slip on his shoe and tie them. "Thank you!" Luke said. "Your welcome".
----- At Wal-mart------
I hope Luke stays out of his headspace in the store. I know if he goes in ot will be all over scocial media."You ready" I ask luke who was next to me in the front seat of the car. We both hop out of the car and we enter Wal-mart. I head to the frozen isle first to grab some frizen chicken nuggets and fries. "You want race cars or dinosour nuggests?" I ask Luke who was now pushing the cart. "Dino." he mummbled. I nodded my head, and we continued shopping. We got juice, noddles,pizza,chesse, cearal,eggs,milk,bacon ect. As I entered the baby isle to pick up Luke some more bottles,binkes, and wipes. I grabbed a pack of wopes and threw them in the cart. I was going to ask Luke what bottles he wanted. But he was not there. I walked around the baby isles to try and find Luke but he was not there. I went to the toy isle next to see if Luke was there. Thank the lord. He was looking at the differnt race cars. "Luke!" I shouted. His head snapped in my direction and said "Mommy can Lukey have this race car please?". "No you cant Luke. Please come out of your headspace, so no one finds out." i said. Luke's lip trembled and then luke decided to throw a tantrum. He was crying and kicking his legs. People in the isle looked at us. I qickly picked Luke up, and landed 5 smacks on his butt. That made him stop throwing his tantrum. I set him on his feet and grabbed his hand. "I am sorry mom-Sarah" Luke said wiping the tears away completely out of his headspace not wanted to be smacked anymore."It's okay Luke. Just don't act like that anymore." I said giving Luke a hug while rubbing his back."Which bottles do you want?" I ask standing back in front of the bottles but with Luke this time. "That one and that one." Luke pointed to the green bottle and the peguin themed one. I nodded my head and grabbed the bottles. I also grabbed the packet of blue themed binkies. And we headed out of the store.
-------Back at the house-----
Me and all of the boys carried all the gorceries inside. "Were having pizza for dinner." i said. And all of the boys cheered."Do you guys wanna watch a movie and cuddle?" Michael asked. "Yea sure!" I said. "Luke you wanna go get changed?" I asked Luke. The boys went to pick out a few movie. "upie" He said while raising his arms. I picked up luke and took him to his nursey. I laid him on the changing table and took off his skinny jeans. Then I took off his wet pull up, and wiped down his legs. I sliped the nappy under his bum, and taped up the nappy around his waist and put him in a penguin print onesie. I picked him up off the table and went downstairs. Luke and Michael cuddled on the side while me,Calum and Ashton did a three way cuddle. Thats how we spent our night, cracking jokes, eating junk food and cuddling, it felt like I actually fit in somewhere. It was really fun.
A/N thank you guys so much. yesterday i cried happy tears. Just thank you, I am going to give you guys my veiwers a name. Got any ideas comment. Vote goal-4.

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