AllxReader (Part 3)

Comincia dall'inizio

"I love this store. How're you doing Shane?" 

Your boss smiled and hugged the man, patting his back like he was an old friend. "What're you doing in town, Gabriel?"

Gabriel? Like the angel? You shrugged it off, but couldn't help look at him and see something celestial about him. The main thing that you noticed was a slight bulge in his jacket, to large to be just his back; but Shane didn't seem to notice it. You shrugged again and went back to wrapping the lollipops, closing your eyes and listening to your music softly. You were just getting back into rhythm when loud footsteps approached you. 

Gabriel let out a gasp, his jaw dropping to the floor. "Shane! Is this?"

"It is. (Y/N) here has made it fresh too. Would want to test it and determine if she's worth keeping?" Shane grinned, sarcastically rolling his eyes. You shook your head and lifted another lollipop, handing it to Gabriel. 

He took it and popped it in his mouth before letting out a groan of pleasure, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. "Shane, I hate to say-" he started as he took out the lollipop and rolling it on his tongue. "But I have to take (Y/N) here and keep her for myself. Lovely caramel. What other blissful treats can you make?"

You giggled and shrugged. "Mostly chocolate and caramel. I'm still working on hard candies. And let me tell you, if this man would let me make a cake or two every other sweets business would go out of business within a week."

Gabriel laughed and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. "You simply must let me get to know you, sweet-thang."

"Maybe some other time." You said with a smile. 

Later on that day, you were unwinding in your dorm. Your stupid roommate had invited friends over and you were laying on your bed with your headphones in when she dragged you down to the ground with them. You landed with a thud and lost your headphones in the fall. 

"What the hell, (Y/R/M/N)?!"

"We're playing that stupid game from highschool! Remember 10 minutes in heaven?"

"It was 7 where I came from, but yeah."

"Well, we have another person coming so we needed another person so it was even and someone didn't get left out. He's my older brother by adoption. He took me in when I was having drug problems."

"You still have drug problems."

"I said he took me in! I never said that he helped me stop!"

Someone knocked on the door and your roommate jumped up before swinging the door open. Gabriel stood in the doorway and looked at your roommate, slightly disapprovingly. "What are you dragging me into this time, sis?"

"Just come in!" she squealed before grabbing his arm and pulling him inside and closing the door. "Go sit down!" She said while pushing him along. 

He sat down across from you and held his face in his hand, elbow supported by his crossed legs. He looked up and saw you, both his lips and eyes smiled brightly and he nodded before crossing his arms. They spun the bottle and it landed on you. 

You groaned, rolling your eyes as they led you into the closet. The door closed behind you and you heard Gabriel cheer loudly on the other side of the door. Soon, he was in the closet with you, a goofy grin on his face. Though the closet was dark, it seemed as if he made it brighter. 

"Hey sweet-thang!"

"What are you doing here?" you said with a smile. 

"Fate as chosen us to be together!" he said dramatically. When you crossed your arms and gave him a look he smiled and shrugged. "What can I say? The bottle landed on the two of us, and here we are."

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