Chapter 32 - Card deck

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" Because I've been there." Belle said, gazing at Regina. Something passed across her dark eyes, something similar to regret. Enough to give her the bravery to go on, to let them know, and understand, maybe. " I've been there, and I've been captive. " she said, her eyes fixed in Regina's, who's stare seemed to soften, as if she understood what she felt, as if she had experienced those same things. " And, trust me, it's not the same. In jail I know that you have a hour or so
in which you can get out, breath fresh air, move, fell the sun rays on your face. When Rumple kept me captive, he let me out of my cell, I could move, he talked to me, even if he was rough." she slightly laughed, easing off. She let her gaze wander over all of them, satisfied by their smiles, even if there was sympathy in their eyes. It just meant that they cared for her. Ruby looked about to weep, she thought with an inner, sweet smile. The only ones without a trace of sympathy in their eyes were Regina, who's face was a cold mask, and Rapunzel, who was gazing down, clenching her jaw. " But in the cell under the hospital, none ever talked to me. They gave me pills that made me dull, if I tried to move too much they made me wear a straightjacket, if I talked to them they didn't answer. " Belle locked gaze with Regina again. She looked a bit pale, and it relieved the Mayor. She felt regret, and it was enough for her to forgive her. She stretched over the table and reached for her hand, startling the Queen who, however, didn't move hers. " Don't do this to him. " she murmured. " If he's mad, it isn't his fault. And that place won't help him. And if he isn't mad, he'll become it. "
Regina seemed to think about it, so Belle leaned back against the seat back of her chair. They didn't take their eyes off of each other for a single moment.
" So, what are you suggesting? To build a prison for just one prisoner?" Regina asked tightly, pursuing her lips.
" You and I know that there are more than just one prisoner down there."
Regina leaned forward, gritting slightly her teeth while she spoke. " Yes, and there they have to stay."
" Regina..." Rapunzel suddenly murmured, making the Queen look at her. Belle did it too, curious.
" They're dangerous, Shaya. Have you seen Cruella? She wasn't one of the worst, trust me."
The mercenary locked gaze with her. They stayed that way for a while, silent, staring at each other as if they were speaking, and maybe they were doing it, somehow. In the end, Rapuznel sighed. " I see. " she murmured, looking away then, her jaw clenched again. Regina stared at her for a bit before glaring at Belle.
" I can't free them." she stated.
" But they wouldn't be free..."
Regina opened her mouth to answer, and it didn't seem a gentle answer, but Rapunzel forestalled her.
" They hate her. " she explained. " They live only to kill her. If we give them a chance, they'll take it. Nothing will stop them."
She said it quietly, but her stare was as sharp as her sword. Belle stared back at her, but she had to force herself to do it.
The silence that followed was a clear sign that they were at a dead end. They wouldn't kill Mitchell, they wouldn't imprison him, they wouldn't exile him, and they most surely wouldn't let him free. What would they do to him?
" Let's turn him into a frog or something..." Emma suddenly said, as if she had read her thoughts and answered her question. She shyly smirked then. She was just kidding.
Regina smiled at her. " This isn't such a bad idea..."
" Indeed!" Snow suddenly exclaimed, slamming her hand on the table, startling them. She looked at her hand as if someone else had moved it, then hid it under the table. " Blue! Blue could turn him into a child again, and he wouldn't be a problem anymore! He could grow up with good people, he wouldn't become the man he was! He'd be fine and we..."
" What a brilliant idea, Snow White! " Regina exclaimed, angrily gesturing towards her. " Let's turn all the criminals into children, none will commit a crime ever again! That's what I call an exemplary punishment! "
" B-but... It's not like..."
" What? It's not like it will look like a reward? Seriously, Snow? "
" Okay, calm down, bad idea, don't use it. It's all right." Emma said, alternating her gaze between Regina and Snow.
" We could build that prison in the mines..." Leroy tried to say, but Regina looked daggers at him.
" Mines that menace to crumble at every hint of magic... He would escape at Emma's first sneeze."

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