"You wouldn't dare." Lucy's fists clenched together.

"...I wouldn't," Cam replied with sincere eyes. If only Lucy knew the true feelings behind those eyes, Cameron felt maybe she'd reconsider and give him a chance. But he put those feelings aside as it would make him look like a hypocrite.

"What happened to all that hoopla everyone was going on about? How it was the woman's body so therefore it's her choice?"

"You made your choice, Lucy. Congratulations, you're no longer pregnant."

"Keep your voice down," Lucy hissed.

"Sorry," he lowered his tone. "But he still has a right to know. Even if he wanted to keep it, it was still your choice but at least he would be aware of the situation. And the longer you hold out, the worse it'll get, the worse it'll feel. Does Kian even know?"

"It's not Kian's business to know."

"Your parents?"

"Hell no. They think I spent the money on the new Michael Kors purse."

"Shit Lucy," Cameron shook his head. "This is unhealthy. And I hate seeing you like this."

"Like what?! I said I'm fine. I'm better. I just want this all to go away and be as if summer never happened! I'm sorry I'm not well-educated in the field of being an irresponsible pregnant teen, Cam. Just...let me live in the present so I don't have a shitty future. I'm not gonna ask again." 

Lucy grabbed her backpack off the ground and left Cam at the fountain alone. He called out for her but she refused to turn around.

Little did they both know, they weren't exactly alone. Because sophomore Madison Beer was listening in from around the corner, behind the stone wall. And she had a sinister idea.

. . . . .

Gilinsky watched Lucy quickly walk down the hall and Cameron follow not too far behind. He glanced over at the unsuspecting Vanessa who was scrolling through her phone. They leaned against their lockers as everyone passed them by.

"No My Little Pony today?" Vanessa asked with attitude, not looking up from her phone.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I was talking about Madison," Vanessa assured.

"Are you gonna tell me what you have against her? Or are you just gonna follow everyone else in this school that hates her?"

"I have my own reasons."

"Which are?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Are you just upset about Lucy? That was pretty brutal at Sammy's party, what you said to her." 

Gilinsky took Vanessa's phone from her so she'd make some form of eye contact with him. In a split second, she realized that no matter how angry she was with him, she couldn't help but melt in those deep eyes of his.

"Of course I'm upset about Lucy," she responded. "But that's...that's separate."

"So tell me what the other issue is?"

"Why do you care so much," Vanessa chuckled, taking her phone back. "Jesus."

"Because...I'm kinda...with Madison now."


"Yeah. Like boyfriend and girlfriend. And I wanted my best friend to know before everyone else did."

Vanessa was frozen and didn't know what to say or think. Her mouth quickly became dry and her heart nearly beat out of her chest. She had a feeling this was happening, but had hoped she was just over-exaggerating. She had hoped that Jack would see right through Madison. Without even thinking, she slammed her locker shut, gaining attention from others.

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