The Joker glared at her for a moment. "Now when I was a kid, about eight or nine, my parents used to make me walk to school everyday," The Joker began. "One day, as I was walking to school, I heard the 'Greensleaves' melody in the distance. I turned, and I noticed an ice cream truck parked outside of the school, with a friendly looking man dressed as a clown sitting in the driver's seat," The Joker spoke solemnly.

"He blew a clown whistle, and motioned for me to come to the van and get some ice cream before school. Against my better judgment, I complied. No kid can resist ice cream right?" The Joker jerked Stacey's face, and she nodded frantically in agreement. "So," the Joker continued. "The nice clown says to me 'why hello there son. Care for some ice cream? I've got the best in the back. You look like such a nice lad that I'll give you a cone for free, or how's about a free Big Stick? I'm fully stocked.'" The Joker lowered his tone drastically when he spoke in the clown's voice. "So like a dummy, I climb into the back of his ice cream truck, where he kept the freezers. Making sure no one is around, he slams the sliding door shut quickly, and he turns to me with an evil gleam in his eye. He viciously grabs at my arm, and kicks open one of the freezers. He throws me in and slams it shut. I'm locked inside," The Joker licked his lips.

"That's when I notice that there was no ice cream in this freezer. As I'm lying in the ice I turn my head, and all around me, stuffed together in this large icebox, are frozen body parts, hacked up and preserved. Frozen lit-tle heads of children and lit-tle fingers and lit-tle legs and other parts all neatly packed together around me and underneath my back. I let out a chilling cry and pound at the freezer lid. No one can hear my screams. That's when I feel the truck moving. I'm thrown around inside the icebox with dead mutilated children, all the while freezing my eight year old butt off," The Joker continued.

Stacey watched him attentively. "So he drives me to the outskirts, and my air is slowly declining. I can't breath. Up in the forest somewhere, where no one could save me, he finally pulls me out of the freezer. I'm frozen stiff and my skin is blue. Holding a knife, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and shoves me to the floor on my knees. I hear him unzip his pants behind me. 'Now for your free ice cream my lad. How's about a nice big stick?' He laughed maliciously behind me."

"Knowing I was amidst a child murdering rapist, I fight and kick with every ounce of strength I have. Putting all of his fat grotesque weight on top of me, he takes the blade and says 'Oh my dear boy, you really should smile when someone offers you a free big stick!'" the Joker licked his lips. "So he takes the blade and slowly, and painfully slits my cheeks, giving me my love-ly smile. Tears in my eyes I'm now bleeding profusely, and he starts to lick the blood off of my cheek. I didn't like that. Not. One. Bit," the Joker paused and sneered.

"That's when I turned and I noticed his toys lying around the floor of the truck. Hacksaws and machetes and knives and other sharp goodies. As luck was bestowed upon me, I manage to reach an ice pick that's lying near me, and as he attempts to rape me I furiously jab the ice pick right into his eye socket," the Joker tapped Stacey's cheek with his blade once more, and snickered coldly. "He screams and jerks away from me. I'm not a completely stupid kid, so I know I gotta keep my weapon handy right? I rip the ice pick back out of his eye socket, and deciding that his face should match, I ram it into his other eyeball."

"Blinded and stumbling and screaming about the truck, his 'big stick' now limp and flopping about pathetically, I take one of his hacksaws and remove his 'big stick' and throw it into the freezer where it belongs," the Joker spoke earnestly. "With no eyes, and no big stick, the pitiable creature is writhing about on the floor of the truck, spluttering like a wounded puppy. I stayed there and watched him bleed to death. I had a smile on my face the entire time."

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora