"Well, seems like the death horses are happy to see the son of Hades," Nico mumbled. He stepped out of the stagecoach and walked over to them. Though most living things were usually very, very reluctant towards Nico, these winged horses of death actually seemed to okay with him. More than okay. As he put his hands on their foreheads, they calmed down and nudged him passionately.

"Hey, do you know who I am? Do you even know the great powers that I'm capable of?" He quietly joked, even though he knew that they couldn't understand his exact words. As he continued to stroke them, he though about what he had just said. Not too long ago, that would have been very true. He could travel through shadows and rise the dead but now, he couldn't do any of that without completely disappearing. Doctor's orders. 

He sighed. He missed his doctor sometimes.

A lot actually. 

He snapped back to reality (which at this point was petting evil looking, stagecoach pulling pagasi monsters which would soon be taking them to a magical school for wizards and witches) when the carriage in front of him, which the other four demigods were in, also started to rattle. He turned around to see that the two creatures harnessed to that one had also started to act up to the sight, or scent, of Nico. 

He walked over to the two and pet them until they had also calmed down. 

He noticed that the crowd of students getting on had started to get smaller so he headed back to his stagecoach.

"Those are some scary My Little Ponies," Leo said when he got back in.

"Scary what's?" Nico asked, not understanding the reference. 

"Never mind. The little girls in foster care, they had sharp little teeth." Leo shook his head, "Like the ones with the tiny jagged bumps when your baby teeth fall out and your new ones grow in. Scary." 

After a second, he looked around and must have noticed their confused expressions because he continued, "Just saying that they will fight dirty to get the remote control for those crappy old TVs they use to have at the places I had to stay at. I wanted to watch fiery monster trucks jumping over other fiery monster trucks but nooo, they wanted to watch ponies and unicorns learning about the importance of sharing and caring. But hey, did they ever share with or even care about Leo? Ask the teeth marks that I got every time I even glanced down at the remote."

"Calm down Leo, it's going to be all right," Percy laughed, patting his knee. "Like my school counselors always said, deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Oh, and don't forget to count to ten."

They heard their names being called as they stepped out of their carriages. There were hundreds of students around them but it didn't take more than a minute to find the owner of the voice. Though it was dark, it was nearly impossible to miss the giant man walking through the crowd, bellowing their names. 

Nico waited for the other demigods to get out. He gave the winged horses which had pulled his stagecoach one last pat before heading into the crowd with his friends.

After pushing and dodging their way through everybody else, they got to the man. He looked just as big up close as he did afar, if not bigger. 

Once they got to him, he friendly introduced himself as Hagrid. He put the piece of paper which he had been reading their names off of into his giant worn-out trench coat. Even in the dark, behind his bushy hair and beard, Nico was still able to find his eyes which had the look of good intentions.

"Follow me," he motioned his hand. "Gotta get yeh with em' first years. They're with professor McGonagal. 'Bout 'ter get the introduction soon."

They walked behind him as he led them to the castle. 

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