Quickly, I wrapped toilet paper around my right fist and arm forming a thick barrier. Climbing back onto the counter, I tested the cushion on my hand before bringing my arm back and swinging hard. I hissed in pain as my covered hand made contact with the window. The glass didn't break. My eyes burned as I shook my hand out, preparing to swing again. This time, I threw all my weight forward along with my punch, and the glass shattered. It was loud, but I figured the hand dryer helped cover up most of the noise.

Acting quickly, I threw the backpack out the window and swiped the glass of the windowsill. Hoisting myself up, my sides grated against the glass shards as I wiggled my way out the opening. It was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, but finally I managed to maneuver myself the right way so I could jump out the other side feet first.

Thankfully, the drop wasn't too far and my toes only stung for a moment before I grasped the the backpack and was off. I had been paying close attention to the town we were in, and specifically chose this one for the surrounding forest.

Running to the tree line, I quickly ducked through the brush tripping over my flip flops as I sprinted. I wanted to get about two hundred feet into the tree line before I turned left and ran straight out so I remained along the edge. I couldn't risk running blindly through the forest for the fear of getting lost. It wouldn't do me any good to die out here.

For the first few minutes of running, I was convinced I kept hearing footsteps behind me, but everytime I looked there was nothing there. My mind was just playing tricks on me.

Finally, when I couldn't run any longer, I slowed down. The flip flops I had been wearing were practically trash, and there were thorns sticking in all parts of my body. I'm sure I looked like a mess, and I cringed as I lifted my shirt and saw some bloody scratches from the glass.

I gasped for breath, trying to drink in the air as I walked to try and cool down a bit before stopping. My shoulders were aching from the backpack's weight, and I knew I would have to rest soon and come up with a plan. Knox had probably figured I'd stay in town, and was most likely scouring every shop and alley within a ten mile radius. I had no idea how far I had ran, or for how long I had been running.

When I sat down on a log, my cramping legs sang in relief. Placing the backpack in front of me, I started going through all the belongings inside.

"No fricken way," I muttered, a huge smile overcoming my face as I pulled out a sleek cell phone. I had expected he would have kept this with him the whole time. Literally he would have nothing left with him besides his car.

I retracted that statement when I pulled out a set of keys. He would be stranded at the gas station. I almost got up and jumped around if I wasn't so sore.

Pulling out the phone again, I swiped it open and was relieved to find it unlocked. I thought the Def trained their soldiers to be smart.

Going into calls, I found there was about fifty missed calls. Smiling, I realized they were from Rosen. Quickly, I hit the return call button. The phone rang only twice before it picked up.

"Where the fuck is she?" Rosen growled out with a deadly tone that almost made me flinch.

"Rosen? It's me, Ellie." There was a moment's pause.

"Ellie, where are you? Are you hurt? Is Knox there?" He fired off question after question and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm not sure where I am yet. I got away from Knox and I took his bag with me. I'm in the woods right now but i'm not sure where he is. I have his keys too so he can't really go far." Rosen laughed slightly, and I heard him relay what I said to Cole.

"Look on the GPS to figure out what town you're in. We figured he would take you to the nearest Defaecatio compound, which is in Ohio but we only left two hours ago." Rosen explained. I went out of the call and into maps, waiting patiently for the GPS to kick in. I let out an aggravated sigh when I saw that I only had a couple bars. Finally, the map popped up and I returned back to Rosen, repeating the name to him.

"You're right near the border of Ohio," Rosen muttered, and my heart sank realizing I might have to wait in the woods for hours. "We are about four hours away. Stay in the woods okay? Don't come out. I'll call you when we get into town and then go find the nearest building. We can get you from there."

"Okay," I replied meekly. Thankfully, the phone had about 70% battery so I didn't expect it to run out. But I would have to conserve it carefully.

Looking around, I noticed that the woods was already starting to darken, and I feared it would be pitch black by the time Rosen and Cole got here. I trembled at the thought of being out here all on my own. Rosen must have sensed my fear.

"We'll find you. Everything will be okay," he reassured. "Don't let the phone battery die and don't move. I'll call you back in a few hours."

"Please hurry," I said quietly, the worry setting in.

"I will," he said, and the line went dead.

I stared at the phone for a few minutes, before figuring making one more call wouldn't hurt.

The phone rang and rang, until finally voicemail picked up.

"Hi, sorry I couldn't get to your call. Please leave a message and-" My eyes closed at the sound of my mom's voice and I could feel the tears starting to burn the back of my eyelids.

"Mom? it's me. I know you all are probably freaking out right now, but i'm okay. I don't know how long i'll be gone, but I should be back soon. Also, I don't want you guys looking for Rosen and Cole, I know what it looks like but they didn't take me. I didn't leave willingly either, someone else took me." My voice trembled. "Tell everyone I love them and i'll be home soon. Don't call back on this number, because I'll have to get rid of it soon. Love you, and I'll see you soon." I hung up. The tears burned a track across my cheeks, and I took a few steadying breaths. This would all be over soon. Maybe Rosen and Cole could leave me back in Shorely now after this.

Looking around at the trees and shrubs, I knew that the next few hours would be some of the longest hours of my life. 

Woah, a bit of a crazy chapter :0 


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