Chapter 10 - The Ending

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23 years old 

Evan's POV 

" He was the blue to my red, and together we made purple. "

Just one of your every other normal day. I told Jonathan I'd be gone most of the day, just visiting my parents for a bit and then going grocery shopping for the house. He seemed okay with it, it felt a little strange but I didn't pay much attention to it, for I was excited.

The only reason why I went to my parents house was to tell them about my plan and hopefully have them be excited, just as I was. I felt like it was time to propose to Jonathan, I've waited for a while to do this - and I'm now doing it. I had a bunch of confidence in me to just say four little words, that could change my whole life. 

My plan was to go out grocery shopping and buy certain food to make an outstanding supper. Maybe not outstanding, but something on the romantic side. I also was buying mood scented candles, maybe it will help. After that, I plan to just watch a few movies that I know he's been dying to see. I know he'd probably question everything, but I'll play it off as much as I can. 

After everything is done, I plan to take him outside to sit on the roof with me for a few. Just to watch the night sky and it's beautiful moon and stars. That's when I plan to ask him, right then and there. 

I have a good feeling he'll say yes as well. I mean, I hope he says yes.


My parents were thrilled about it and have actually been waiting for that big question to pop out. My mother always looked at Jonathan as her son-in law, Jonathan never minded it though, because it was the same with his mother. Both of our parents knew that we both made each other happy in life, and that's every parent's wish - to just see their child happy.

I bought everything I needed and put it in the back of my car, I blasted my radio and headed home. On the way home though, I was quite nervous about everything. People say that this is life changing, that just this one question could change your whole life. But thing is, anything can your whole life. I know that this upcoming change in my life would make me the happiest man alive.

My father plans to help me out with the wedding and everything, he wants me to start planning pronto. He says that there's no way Jonathan is gonna say no, that there has been no signs indicating that he wouldn't. I mean, there was this one time when he started acting strange around me for a few weeks, but I paid no attention to it because he seemed perfectly fine. Still, both of my parents claim he's gonna say yes. There are doubts in that though, because he might not be ready for it. I mean, we talked about it once and he did enjoy the idea of it - in fact he loved it. 

Eh, who am I kidding? He's totally gonna say yes. 

I pulled up in my driveway and the first thing I noticed was Jonathan's car was gone. I was confused because he hasn't messaged me nor called me saying he was going anywhere today. I mean, it could be just Luke borrowing his car for a few hours like he usually does. But for some reason, I had a weird feeling about this. Like, something was up, but I just couldn't tell what it actually is. 

I shook my head and got the feeling out of my system. I grabbed everything out of my car and headed to the front door. When I unlocked the front door and pushed it opened, I felt a wall of freezing air hit my body. When I was here earlier, it wasn't this cold, in fact, it wasn't cold at all - it was warm.

I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I walked down the hallway and walked by the staircase and called out to Jonathan, who was most likely editing a video or something. "Babe, I'm home!" There was no answer, but I didn't worry about it too much, he could potentially have headphones on, blasting music. I walked back in the hallway and went into the kitchen, setting everything on the counter. I went to go grab a drink before starting dinner, but before I could, I noticed a note hanging on the refrigerator. 

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