Chapter 3

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Song: Carly Rae Jepsen - I Really Like You (Cover by Travis Atreo)

15 years old

Evan's POV

Tyler, Jonathan and I were in math class, solving problems like no tomorrow when the PA system went on with our principal saying, "All students and teachers must report to the gymnasium for an assembly." I internally groaned at that and rested my head on my desk, not wanting to get up at all for a little assembly. I had absolutely no energy for it.

I felt someone poking me lightly on the back. I lifted up my head to see who it was and saw Jonathan, then I looked around the room and noticed we were the only one's there. Everyone already left to the gymnasium. "Come on, Ev. We need to hurry." He said, while pulling me out of my chair. I stood up and stretched, while shaking my head a bit, "I rather skip."

"But Evan, what about the jocks?" He asked. Every time there's an assembly the jocks always skip and roam around in the halls, they beat up any kid they see, since there are no teachers around they were detention free. I knew this very well, but that wasn't going to stop me. I wasn't afraid of them. "I'm aware of them, and I'm not scared of them. Now, you better head to the gymnasium. Come on Jon, keep 'er goin'. " I said with a warm smile.

He giggled quietly, shaking his head, and the next few words he said - made my face flush a bit, "I rather stay with you."

I nodded at him with a little smile. Then grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the classroom. Not to anywhere in particular, just to get out of the classroom and walk around the school until the assembly was over. There was no where to go, all we could do is talk and make circles around the school. And to be honest? That's exactly what we did. We just acted like complete goof balls and laughed at lame jokes we would say to each other. I felt a little bad about leaving Tyler alone, but I know he'd find and sit with the others.

After 15 minutes of that, we came up to a corner. We were talking, not really worried about anything until Jonathan stopped moving. I looked at him weirdly and he put a figure up to his mask where his mouth was, signaling me to 'sh'. I listened to him and didn't go past the corner. Then, that's when I heard them.

The jocks were walking down the hallway we were supposed to go down on. I peeked around the corner to see where they're general location was and saw that they were heading right this way. I cursed underneath my breath and looked around, the only thing I spotted was one of the classroom doors. I hurried up and ran over to it, and tried to open it. But unfortunately, it was locked.

"Lookie what we have here."

I screamed so loud in my head and turned around and saw the jocks, crossing their arms with smug looks on their faces. I looked at Jonathan in the corner of my eye and noticed him rolling up his sleeves and backing up. I could tell he was ready to fight them, but I didn't want any violence. Then, an idea popped in my head.

I quickly grabbed Jonathan's hand and yanked him away from the jock's. I ran the opposite way from them the best I can while pulling Jonathan with me. I heard them scream down the hallway, and when I looked back to see if they following us - they were. They were pretty fast, but I was faster.

We turned a corner and instantly saw the Janitor's closet. I looked at Jonathan and he whispered to me, "What are you doing? Evan.." I could tell by the sound of his voice he was a bit unsure, but I had no time to reassure him of anything. I opened up the Janitor's closet and pushed him inside, getting inside with him. I shut the door and looked around, the room was small and pitch black, I couldn't see a thing but Jonathan's figure. We adjusted ourselves to where our backs were fasting the wall and our fronts were facing each other.

I looked down at the floor, at the bottom of the door and saw some of the jock's shadows slowly passing by. I could hear they're little chat going on, "Where the fuck did those two go?" - "Man, those guys are fast."

When they left, I gave out a sigh of relief. When I reached to open up the door to see if everything was clear to leave, I felt Jonathan's grip on my hand tighten. I apparently never let go, and neither did he. I felt my face heat up a bit and used my other hand to crack open the door. I peeked my head out and saw no sign of the jocks near by, which meant they were really gone. I opened the door fully and got out, pulling Jonathan with me - who still wouldn't let go of my hand. But I didn't mind, I kinda didn't wanna let go either.

I turned around and faced Jonathan, and noticed he was acting strangely different. I raised an eyebrow at him, "Are you okay?" I asked him. He lowered his head a bit and let go of my hand, and mumbled, "Yeah, I'm fine." Then, he started walking off in the opposite direction where the jocks went.

I tilted my head and watched him walk down the hallway. I don't even know why, but in my guts, it was telling me to run after him and basically 'glomp' him to death. So, I went with it. I ran after him, but instead of saying anything to him and going with my gut and 'glomping' him. I slipped my hand in his and walked with him. I felt him squeeze my hand a bit, which made me smile lightly. And deep down, I knew he was smiling too, I could sense it by the way he was acting for the rest of the skip. Which was telling me, he must feel it too.

Now I wonder, would he take a chance on us?

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