Chapter 5

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Song: Tove Lo - Moments

16 years old

Jonathan's POV

I was outside my house, pacing back and forth on my side walk, just waiting patiently. It's been a few months since we got together, everyone basically knows about us - the guys are supportive and our parents don't really mind, thankfully. Evan told me it'd be a good idea to hang out at his house this weekend. No parents, just me and him. I already knew we weren't going to throw a party, get sexual with one another, or trash the whole house, breaking everything in sight. We weren't like that, non of the guys are. We'll just be hanging out, like we usually do.

"Jon, you ready?"  

I looked up and instantly saw Evan walking up to me. I nodded and looked around, noticing he didn't drive his car up to my house. His Dad bought him a car last month when he got his driving license, and he's been driving it everywhere lately. "Did you walk here?" I asked him. He nodded and said, "Exercise is nice."

"Of course it is. Let's just go before I change my mind." I said, walking past him. "And why would you change your mind?" He asked, walking next to me. 

I slipped my hand in his and just pulled him along while saying, "Laziness might take over and that'd mean you'd have to carry me, since you didn't drive here." He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. 


We walked all the way to Evan's house and all I wanted at this point; was food in my system. I skipped lunch, when I shouldn't have and I'm guessing walking here made me even more hungrier than I already was. Evan and I didn't live far, it takes 20 minutes to walk back and forth, but even then, walking can be exhausting at times. 

"Evan, I want food." I whined as we walked up to his house. He turned and looked at me as he grabbed his keys out of his pocket, "Movies and popcorn?" He asked. I nodded and he turned his head back to the door and opened it. 

We walked inside and he signaled me to the living room to pick out some movies, I picked horror movies of course. He walked in the kitchen and put a packet of popcorn in the microwave, then he walked back out to the living room where I was and dimmed the lights down and closed all of the curtains - considering it was still daylight out. 

After everything was set, Evan found out I picked horror movies and almost threw bowl of popcorn at me. But instead, he put one of the movie disc in, he hit play, and instantly turned around and tackled me onto the couch. He laid ontop of me, resting his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and played with his hair as we watched the movie. The movies we watched weren't all that scary, some of the jumpscares barely even got us. But I wasn't complaining, due to being extremely comfortable with Evan so close to me. The inside of his house was pretty chilly, but he gave me warmth. 


After the third movie, it got pretty boring. I didn't want to watch any more horror movies because apparently the ones that I picked, weren't even that scary. I mean, they are pretty old, but I thought they'd be at least somewhat decent, ya know? 

Evan and I were still hungry, popcorn certainly didn't fill us up. He suggested something homemade, as in we make our own food. Unfortunately, I really didn't know how to make anything but breakfast type meals. My mother never really showed me how to cook, I taught myself by looking online and giving it a few tries. I explained that to Evan, he understood perfectly and told me to not worry, for we were only making something simple. 

Frankly enough, it was simple. We made pasta, it wasn't that hard, even though there was a few small messes in the kitchen. We decided to clean up the kitchen and make it spotless for his parents after we were done eating. But, during our meal, we got a little distracted... 

Half way done, we randomly started playing football with our noodles. We sat on the opposite sides of the table and started to flick our little noodles into each other's hand-goal posts. We both made it numerous of times, but when it was my turn, I flicked the noodle a little too hard and made it hit Evan on the cheek. Thinking that he would start a small food fight because of the accident, I was ready to book it. 

Instead, he laughed it off, taking a napkin and wiping the sauce of his cheek. He didn't get all of it though, and I told him that he missed a spot. But instead of having him re wipe, I leaned over the table and did it for him. The minute I leaned in, Evan's body tensed up a bit. I didn't question it though, it was sudden and I was nervous from how close our faces were.

After wiping the rest of his face off, I pulled back a little and gave him a reassuring smile - telling him that he had nothing to worry about. And he just returned the smile. 

After we finished eating, we were determined to make the kitchen spotless. We blasted the stereo that was located in the living room and started to sing and dance to every song that came on while cleaning. And I'll admit that this was one fun way to clean. 

Once we finished cleaning the kitchen, we decided to move to the living room to clean our small mess we made while watching the horror movies. It took less time cleaning the living room than it was cleaning the kitchen though, but the couch started to get a bit messy again, due to Evan jumping on it with his wild self. I didn't mind it though, he looked really cute acting like a little kid, that it brought me in some sort of little trance. 

He noticed me staring at him and stopped jumping. He jumped off the couch and stood in front of me, but that didn't stop me from staring at him. In fact, his chocolate eyes were staring right back at me, and I noticed a hint of lust in them. 

He gently put his hands on my mask and started taking it off, I didn't flinch or stop him. Once it was fully off, he put my mask on the couch and resumed staring at me without any words. I took the chance and slowly leaned in. We both closed our eyes as our lips met, but we didn't move a muscle, for the kiss was short. I pulled back seconds later, and just casually stared at him again, slipping my hand into his. I felt him squeeze my hand gently, and just smiled.

That drug of a smile.

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