Chapter 8

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[Wow, this is hella short]

20 years old 

Evan's POV

Ever since graduation everything fell into place, and it was beautiful. Everyone of the guys decided to not go to college, and started working on YouTube while getting part-time jobs. Jonathan and I decided to do the same and see how it would turn out, we thought it would be fun. We, as a group, play together daily and sometimes meet each other around the world - considering we all moved and met new friends.

Everything felt so right. I was happy with where I stand in life. 

I have amazing friends and family, they're really supportive and great to have. I'm so thankful for it.  Plus, the best thing about my life is that, I have a wonderful boyfriend, who I plan to marry one day in the future. Just the thought of it makes me happily jumpy. If I could, I'd do it now. Ya know, get down on one knee and just ask the question away, it's a chance that I'm willing to make, but not yet. 

I'm waiting for the right moment, and waiting for when we're a bit more older. I know he's been having really negative feelings lately, and I've been trying to reassure him of everything - he's getting better too. I mean, that's what he tells me and shows me. 

Jonathan and I took the chance moved into an apartment together as well, it was a lot of fun moving furniture around and making the place look snazzy. It was nice and exciting. It even made me happy just looking at Jonathan and seeing him smile, I could easily tell he was happy with this decision. I was the one who actually approached him about moving in together, I'm glad he said yes

My whole life, I've been taking chances with him. Sometimes, they'll be good or bad chances, but it was a risk we both were willing to make. People wonder though and ask, "Are you happy in life?" Am I? I mean, I am. I have everything I could ever ask for. 

Why wouldn't I be happy?

One More Chance - H2OVanoss Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now