8# Being Pretty

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School Hallway-

Amber was going home when she saw Ms. Riley,

"Hey! Amber wait!" She said

"Ms. Riley! what is it?" Amber asked

"It's prom right!?" She said

"What about prom?" Amber asked

"Since zack is your date, The important thing is being pretty right!?" She said

"What are you saying?" Amber asked

"Meet me at Ambience Salon at 4:00 And after that we'll both go to Soshee Boutiques" She said

"Your not gonna turn me into a freak show, Are you?" Amber asked

Ms. Riley giggles.........................

"Ofcourse not! I'm just gonna warm up your looks for prom" She answered

"But it's not even prom yet! It's like two weeks!" Amber said

"Come on! Just for fun...." She said

"Fine!....." Amber said

"Great! Meet me at Ambience Salon at 4:00" She said

Amber left.

Ambience Salon-

Amber went inside the Ambience Salon and Ms. Riley was waiting for her, Ms. Riley grabbed Amber's hand and dragged her to the lady that works there, Ms. Riley din't inform her that she was getting her braces and glasses out and so by the thought amber was shocked,

"Ms. Riley i can't do this i mean taking my glasses off! removing my braces! it's just not ok for me" Amber said,

"Come on your going to look great plus your finally gonna take that sophie down!" Ms. Riley said.

Amber look quite scared to what she might look like.

"Come on trust me on this" Ms. Riley said.

Amber look a lil bit sad.

"What's wrong?" Ms. Riley asked

"I just miss my friends so much" Amber replied.

Ms. Riley gave her a warm hug comforting her.

"It's gonna be ok" Ms. Riley said,

"Now it's time for a complete makeover!"

Amber sat down on one of the chairs.

"Uhhh.....We'll have the Face Wash, Hair Bathe and the Body Massage please" Ms. Riley said to the woman who was working there.

At the moment Amber was quite nervous.

"Ms. Riley i don't know if i can do this" Amber said.

"Trust me" Ms. Riley replied.

After a few minutes of Amber's Transformation the woman was finally done and.............

Ms. Riley puts both her left and right hands through her mouth and quite shocked of what she saw.

Amber had long beautiful brown curly hair, finally they removed her ugly red hair, her face is striving and full of makeup on it, her face is bright as snow and had pale rosy cheeks with reddish lips and plucked eyebrows, She looked wonderful.

Ms. Riley started clapping and as usual Amber is embarassed.

"What do you think?" Amber asked.

"Wonderful!!! You look Wonderful!!!!!" Ms. Riley replied.

Amber pulled out a short smile.

Ms.Riley paid the lady who was working there and quickly grabbed Amber's hand and quickly went to soshee boutiques.

At Soshee Boutiques-

Ms. Riley and Amber went inside and Ms. Riley just did her thing, you know grabbing every piece of sophisticated clothes and making amber try all of them.

"Ooh! I'll pick this! and this! and this! and this!" Ms. Riley ran towards ever clothes, she just made amber laugh.

After a few minutes of Ms. Riley making amber try all of the clothes they finally bought a bunch of short skirts and jeans with a pair of gucci heels and a pair of sunglasses also Ms. Riley also bought her a see through shirt which amber still keeps thinking if it's appropriate or wrong, suddenly they bought atleast 9 clothes there and now amber is pretty than ever.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow at school" Ms. Riley said.

"Yeah about that" Amber said.

They were about to leave when they saw sophie with her gang.

Both of them quickly hid from her and made they're way home.

They went inside they're car and went home.

"Peww!.... That was a close one!" Amber said.

"I know right!" Ms. Riley said.

They just ended they're conversation with laughter.

Ms. Riley dropped Amber to her house and leave.

Amber went inside her house and it looks like they have a visitor.

"Amber someone's here to see you" Her mom said.

"Who?" She asked.

It was Zack.

"Wow! You look amazing!" Zack said quite surprised.

"Wow can't believe you noticed" Amber asked.

They both laughed.

They were having a good conversation when zack recieved a phone call.

He was quite shocked.

"What?....what is it?" Amber asked quite nervous.

"Sophie had a car crash!" Zack replied.

"What!?" They were both shocked.

"She tried to committ suicide but she survived!" Zack said as he ran outside to his car bringing amber with him.

(To be Continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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