7# The New Guy

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Easton High-

At their classroom............................................................

Their teacher announced that there will be an exchange student from a different school,

"Students! Today we will have an exchange student from a different school" The teacher said

While their their teacher is still talking some emo guy with brown hair and blue eyes wearing red head phones walking in the hallway trying to find his way on to his classroom............................

"His name is Adam Houston, His from England" The teacher said

"Cool from England" heather said

"Yeah! I wonder what he looks like" Chloe said

Adam bust in to the door and Mr. Ross greeted him,

"Good morning Mr. Houston welcome to Easton High, Please take a seat" The teacher said

"Whatever" Adam replied

"Ok.............." Mr. Ross said

Adam took a seat next to katie,.................................. Katie likes him but it seems like she's the one who has to start the conversation,

"hey i'm katie" She said

"hey i'm adam" He replied

"Where did you come from?" She asked

"Have you not heard!? The teacher said it already! Gosh!....." He replied

He was sort of the mean gangster emo boy type but in deep he has a deepest backstory,

Katie shuts her mouth,......................................

Bell rings..................................

School Hallway-

Amber was walking in the school hallway when Cherrie the prom organizer went to talk to her while they're still talking,..................................

"Hey! Amber wait up!" Cherrie said

"Oh! Cherrie what is it?" Amber asked

"I need your help with the decorations, our desigber bob is a perv" Cherrie replied

"Sure!" Amber said

"Great! Meet me in the play room at 3 ok" Cherrie said

"But i have classes" Amber said

"Oh! Just miss it!" Cherrie replied

Cherrie left but amber saw katie walking alone in the hallway,................

She tried to talk to her,

"Katie" Amber said

"Don't talk to me!" Katie replied

Katie left and so did Amber.


The new guy Adam took a seat all alone he was kinda goth, maybe a lot more, He was wearing a mascara and black lipstick and he was soo pale he also has a lip ring,
Katie went to take a seat with him,............................

"Hey adam! It's me Katie can i seat next to you?" Katie asked

"Leave me alone..............." He said

"Ok! I'll just go........." Katie replied

Katie took a seat next to wesley.

"Hey! How are you?" Katie asked

"I'm fine............." Wesley said

They were quiet for a moment.....

"Look at amber sitting in a cool table" Wesley said

"Just don't think about her!" Katie said

Amber was sitting next to zack.

"God! She has no taste in men" Amber said to herself when she saw katie flirting with Adam.

"What's wrong" Zack asked while amber was staring at katie,

"Just look at her(Katie)" Amber said

"Who?" Zack asked

"Katie! Without me she's been having daydreams about that gross emo boy!" Amber replied

"She's looking pretty fine" Zack said

Sophie walked by with her gal pals, She stared at them while they were walking, Amber felt a little uncomfortable,

"It's ok! She can't hurt you" Zack said

"Because your here! But what if your not!" Amber said

"Don't worry i'll always be here with you" He replied

At sophie's table-

"Ooohhh!.......... Someone's jealous!........" Chloe said

"Shut up you blonde sluts!" Sophie was mad.

They all stayed quiet,................

All three of them were blonde but brigit's bruenette.

"I'm really not comfortable with this" Amber said

"It's gonna be ok" Zack said

Zack put out his left hand and holds amber's left hand at the table,
Sophie was soo mad she crushed her canned soda,

"Whoah!....... Sophie calm down" Heather said

"Yeah girl! Calm down" Brigit said

School Hallway-

Emo Adam was walking and his trying to find the art room, He wanted to take some art classes,
He found it,
Katie was also there painting.

"What are you doing here!," Adam asked

"I take art classes" She replied

Things are going quite well until katie brings up prom.

"Hey! what do you think about prom coming this week?" She asked

"Uhhhh................ I don't have a date yet" He replied

"Do you wanna go with me?" Katie asked


(To be continued)

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