5# The Breakup Plan

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Easton high-

Bell rings......................................

Amber walks on the school hallway when she saw katie,...................................

"Katie hey, do you know where wesley is?" she asked

"That's what i've been wanting to tell you" katie replied

"Why? what happened to wesley?" She asked

"He likes you amber" Katie replied

"WHAT!?" Amber was shocked

"And he din't felt good those past couple of days" She replied

"Why!?" Amber asked

"It's because of you and zack! you need to leave him amber! or you'll hurt him even more!"

"I can't! ok! i'm in love with him!" She replied

"Are you serious amber!? Come on! he's just like the other boys!"

"No! He's not!" She replied

"What are you talking about!?" Katie asked

"He's different! okay!" She replied

"Look i don't wanna do this cause it's dramatic but it's either us or him!!!" Katie asked

"Are you serious!? Come on!"

"Plssssss!........... amber just say it!!!"

"I'm sorry i can't do this right now!" Amber replied

"Fine! Fine!" Katie left the scene, Amber was soo mad she kicked her locker and left...........................


Amber sat next with Zack but sophie isn't there yet.......................

"Are you ok?" Zack asked

"Me and katie just had an argument" She answered

"About what?" He asked

"About you" She replied

"What? Why?" He asked

"She thought that your not good for me" She replied

"Why???" He asked again

"Well...........It's because.................

Before amber could answer sophie bust in to the cafeteria and went right into their table........................

"Well look who it is..............." Sophie was soo angry 

"It's nothing sophie!" Zack said

"I'm not talking to you!" Sophie replied

"He's telling the truth Sophie!" Amber said

"Someone told me you went to a date last night" Sophie said

"Who!?" Zack asked

"Heather and Chloe! She replied

Amber and Zack was soo shocked....................

"Thank goodness they were there because if they're not no one would have thought that you would date such a freak! i mean come on zack what happened to you that you end up with her! Loser 101!" Sophie said

"Ok sophie that's enough!" Zack yelled at her

"Why!? you scared that i'd hurt your mini girlfriend?"

She turned to face amber and amber was so scared

"What's wrong honey pie? Where are all of your loser friends? sad to lose a friend huh? Which is why i have so many, TRAMP!" sophie said

"I said enough sophie!" Zack was soo angry he yelled at her again

"It's ok i'll......i'll.......i'll just go" Amber left the cafeteria and went inside the ladies room, She sat on the floor and begin crying........................Suddenly Heather, Chloe and Brigit was there...................

"Awwww........... soo sad" Brigit said

"What do you want!?" Amber asked

"Oh nothing! were just here to say that your nothing compare to sophie!" Heather said

"Yeah i agree! She Beautiful, Brilliant, Pretty, and has a lot of friends" Chloe said

"Yeah and all you are is a backstabbing foreye freak!" Brigit said

"Plss! Just leave me alone!" Amber said

"Ok, FREAK!!!" Brigit said

All of them laugh at her when they were about to leave the bathroom.

Amber just continued crying

Soccer Field-

Zack was playing a couple of soccer with his friend Tommy,

"Dude! what are you gonna do between amber and sophie!?" Tommy asked

"I don't know" He answered

"For me i'll choose sophie! i mean amber's like 0% beautiful compare to sophie!" Tommy replied

"Don't say that about her! She's DIFFERENT!" Zack replied

"What do you exactly mean by DIFFERENT?" Tommy asked

"I don't know, But i know what i'm gonna do!" Zack replied

"What are you gonna do?" Tommy asked

"I'm gonna break up with sophie!" Zack replied

"What!? Dude are you serious!? Just for amber!? Come on! Your better than that!" Tommy said

"I know! That's why i'm doing this!" Zack replied

School hallway-

Amber was walking on the school hallway when she noticed that sophie was following her,

"Hey! Were not done yet!" Sophie said

"leave me alone!!!" Amber was running and she hides in the stage play, She hid on the red chairs,

"Where are you amber!? If i find you you're DEAD!" 

Zack came inside the stage room and he saw sophie


"Zack what are you doing here?!" Sophie asked

"I was just looking for you" Zack replied

"WHY!?" She asked

"I can't do this anymore!" zack said

Amber was still watching them but they can't see her,

"What are you talking about!?" Sophie asked

"I need some space" He answered

"Space!? What do you mean by Space!?" Sophie asked

"I need to cool off" Zack replied

"Are you dumping me!?" Sophie asked

"Maybe i am!" Zack replied

"wait! Wait!..........Is this because of amber!?" Sophie asked

"It's not about her ok! I just feel so struggled!" Zack Replied

"So this is about amber right!?...................Right!?" Sophie was soo angry

Zack was speechless

"I can't believe this! I am out of here!" Sophie left the room,

When sophie left it was about time that amber comes out of her shell,

"You heard it all?" Zack asked

"Yeah, I'm sorry" She replied

"It's not your fault" Zack said

Both of them were about to leave the room together but zack slipped of a furniture and they both fell down and they're lips touched eachother............................................

THEY KISSED..............................

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