3# Getting to know each other

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Amber's House-

Amber was looking at her silver grey apple laptop and she was looking at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, there's pictures of Amber and Zack and it has like 300 likes...............

Katie was online....

"Hey someone's getting popular" Sended by katie

"Shut up i don't wanna talk about it ok" She replied

"Why don't you like him?" Katie asked

"Ofcourse i do it was like super awkward and i can't breath every minute i look at him" She replied

"wow! that was original where did you got that line Twilight?" 

Amber giggles.....................

"He asked me if i like him"

"What!? How!?" Katie asked

"We were talking about Sophie and he told me that it's because of him that Sophie hates me" She replied

"I can't believe this you and Sophie were like BFF's since kindergarten what happened?" She asked

"I can't remember, I just knew that we were Best friends and then a year later she hates me" She replied

"She is super sick, Who do you think locked you in there with zack?" Katie asked

"I don't know and i don't wanna think about it" She replied

"I think it's SOPHIE"

"Katie! That's impossible! there's no way sophie would lock me in there with her boyfriend!" She replied

"yeah only an insane person would do that"


Amber replies


Easton High-

Girls Restroom-

Sophie was getting her makeup in her purse when she shakes in anger.....................


All her things fell off her purse and landed down the sink, She quickly picks up her makeup and puts it back on her silver colored purse,

"Calm down sophie! It's gonna be ok" Brigit said

"I am soo sick of her and when i get my payback she's gonna be crying down on the floor!" Sophie replied

"Good luck with that! Is your next payback will locked Amber and Zack in the bathroom for 3 hours?"Heather said

"HEATHER!!!" Chloe said

"Look i'm sorry! i've run out of things to say" heather replied

"But she is right sophie all your plans stinks!" Brigit said

"Ok! Can all of you just shut up!" Sophie said........................."I need to make a plan to end her!!!" 

"Like how?..." Chloe said

"By crushing her friends" She replied, After that sophie gave a really annoying evil laugh, "Muahahahaha....................................."

"Um...Sophie are you ok?" Heather asked

"Let's move ladies!"

Bell rings.........................................................................

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