My mom muted the television.

"Everyone can tell you hate this Chlo. But as much as you don't want to think about this it is happening. You may be the Luna to the Botolli back, and you need to start acting like a respectable woman in case that happens." I scoffed at my mother's comment.

"That's the same as giving up, Mother." I started backing up out of the room. "And I won't give up on this." I turned and started to run to the back door.

* * *

I ran, and ran, and ran until I could feel sweat dripping down my back. I couldn't get rid of all the excess energy I seemed to have. My mind was telling me that I was ready for all if the fighting, but my body was pumping full of adrenaline. My fight of flight senses triggered. Secretly, I would never utter a word of this out loud, I really wanted to fly. I was afraid to fight these men.

So much is riding on these fights. I'm sure it would go fine up until I got to the higher ranks of the male pack. Once I got the the third or second in command I would be even more worried. And if I get to the Alpha. Everything is riding on that one match.

My stomach pierced with nerves and I punched the nearest tree, trying to relieve stress. Doing so earned a large "CRACK" sound that echoed though the surrounding forest.

"Trying to break a wrist, kiddo? You know that won't stop them from making you participate." My father rattled as he sauntered up to me.

"Just trying to get some anger out."

"The entire world isn't going to end if you get a mate Chlo. Let nature take its course."

I sighed. My dad was the person supposed to be on my side, not trying to get me okay with my 'fate.'

"Do you and mom know something I don't? You were the one always training me for Alpha! Now you're making me feel like it's okay to settle as a petty little mate? That just isn't good enough!"

My father shook his head. "That isn't what I'm saying Chloe. I knew this Alpha's father, we used to know each other before you kids were born. He was almost stronger than I am. I'm just expecting, if he is anything like his father, Alpha Cooper will be stronger than you can beat."

I scowled, "Don't worry about who I can beat, Dad. Alpha Cooper won't stand a chance."

He walked to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I don't doubt you, kid. I'm just saying you can't go wrong either way. Either way you can be an Alpha." He dipped his head down looking up at me through the top of his eyes. I guessed there was an underlying meaning to his words, something he was trying to get at.

"Okay, Dad, great. Thanks."

He sighed, shrugged his shoulders, and walked back towards the cabin. Leaving me to have another panic attack by myself.

* * *

I headed to the communal training grounds, set on finding my closest sister, Summer. I ended up finding her practicing charging with a trainer, Britney was farther away running on the indoor track.

"You are freaking yourself out too much, you realize that right?"

"But I-" I started to protest.

"No, listen to me. You have beaten two Alphas already. Why is this different?" She charged at the trainer in between her words of "encouragement."

"I don't know, Summer! Something feels different. This whole thing is just an tragedy waiting to happen."

"I believe the phrase is 'accident waiting to happen.'"

I scoffed. "Nope, if I lost it wouldn't be because of any accident. It would just be a tragedy."

"There you go! Keep that happy attitude up!" I caught on to her slight hint of sarcasm and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for the support, Sis."

Summer stopped her training and faced me. "You need to stop this. If you keep doubting yourself you will fail. Cry a river, build a bridge, then get over it. You will do the best you can."

"What if that's not good enough?" I muttered to myself after saying goodbye.

What if I get beaten?

What if I don't become Alpha of my fathers pack?

What if I lose my sisters?

What if I have to do something drastic?

What if?


GUYS! PLEASE COMMENT!!!! IT WOULD MAKE ME SO HAPPY! Seriously, if you just send a smiley face I'd be happy. That's all it takes. Which I realize is a bit sad...but I don't care!


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