Having fun

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I was staying over at Gabriel's, we were trying to forget all about the problems we had lately so the two of us had decided to make cakes. The ingredients were laid out and soon enough, the batter was made and I spooned the mixture into the cases before popping them in the oven.

"I'm bored now," Gabriel whined to which I rolled my eyes.

"The cakes will be done in like 10 minutes" I said,

"I'm bored!" He continued, "Bored bored bored" I sighed and ignore him. "I have nothing to do, give me attention!"

He moaned and moaned until I had enough. "Right. That's it!" I dipped my hand in the flour bag and threw a handful at Gabriel.

"Excuse me, did you just throw flour at me? How immature of you!" He exclaimed jokingly. He grabbed my sides and began tickling me, "SAY YOUR SORRY!" He shouted as I wriggle at his touch. "I will never give in!" I squealed but the tickling was killing me inside. In the struggle of his tickling, I grabbed a glass of water from the counter and poured it all over him. He screamed like a girl at the cold sensation and was forced to let me go.

"It's freaking cold!" He shouted in surrender,

"Ha!" I said triumphantly.

He ripped off his t-shirt revealing his toned body which was damp and glistening. He did it slowly and was clearly doing it to tease me in revenge.

"Hey i'm not interested got it? You're look like shit." I sticked out my tongue before stepping to the sink and washed my hands.

"That's rude." He said wiping his body with his t-shirt.

"What the hell happened to you?" Louis just came in to the kitchen, laughing at Gabriel.

"Oh, it's nothing Louis. He was just being idiot as always," I said with a sarcasm tone, "Where have you been by the way? You should help me make the cake, not with this idiot!" I said jokingly,

"Upstairs! Um...you know..played Xbox in Gabe's room." He said in stutter, looked suspicious, but well.. "Whatever, I'll go get my phone upstairs. You guys take care of the cake." I said furrowed my eyebrows to them before rushing upstairs, to my room. I opened the door and my room was completely covered, top to toe, in pictures of Gabriel.

"What the?!" I screamed in shock,

And before I knew, Gabriel and Louis were already standing behind me laughing so hard at my expression,

"Louis are you recording?"

"Hell yes!" He said, tighten his grip on his camcorder, "Trish seems enjoying my artworks guys," Louis said to the camera,

"Do you like it? Now I will always be with you!" He said took me in a hug, kissed my tips,

"Oh my god-As if!"

He hadn't missed a surface, even my ceiling coated with pictures.

"Gabriel Conte! You take this down or I will never able to sleep again!" I playfully slapped his arm,

"You'll be able too busy staring at all these beautiful photographs of me!" He smirked suggestively,

"I was thinking more on the lines haunted by the surrounding images!" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Same thing," He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Ugh i hate you!"

"I love you too..."


The tears started spilling out of my eyes, cascading down my face. My head fell in my hands in utter defeat with a constant stream of tears flowing from my eyes. I didn't see Gabriel came in to my room, but I had whimpered and gasped over the tears. The pressure was eating me up, and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore.

"Trishia! What's wrong baby?" Gabriel ran to my side, rubbing my back, "If it's because the prank, I am so sorry. I told Louis not to upload the video on Youtube." His arms encased my small frame, his hands gently rubbing the small of my back to cease my tears. He repeatedly pressed gentle kisses on to the top of my head as I snuggled further into the crook of my neck. Words were not needed in that moment and I knew that. All I needed was someone to hold me until the pain went away.

"The operation...I'm..scared" Were the only words i could manage to say, I gasped a few times after crying even harder, that has never happened to me, and Gabriel was shocked too.

"Trishia, how many times I have to told you I loved you?"


"Exactly, now, how many times will I say I love you in the future?"

"I don't know...."

He was sat upright, eyes staring deeply into mine, "I will say it day and night, everyday until the day we die, you're beautiful and I want you to know how much you mean to me."

"Gabe..I just..."

"Didn't I tell you that I will always be there for you?"


"Now there's nothing to worry about then. One hundred percent sure that whatever happens, I will stand by your side and go through it all with you, babe. You know I love you, you're mine, don't forget that. " He whispered, his thumb affectionately caressing my forearm every now and then.

"I love you." I whispered as I swallowed back my tears,

"I love you too," he whispered back,

"I love you more." I said,

"I love you even more.." He said tighten his hug.

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