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Trishia's POV

I woke up, with my shoes on the floor, and my outfit party still on. How did I even?

I groaned immediatly, a huge headache coming on. Great....a hangover, on my first day of school too. How much did I drink anyway? And what happened? Flashes started coming back. Dancing, Gabriel, beer pong and a black permanent marker? What? I reached for my phone, checking for messages and such. Why am I following all these people on insta anyway?

The doorbell ringed and I groaned again.

"Who is it?" I whispered, not wanting to stir up my headache again. I opened the door to find Gabriel, ready and dressed for school.

"Why are you already dressed?" I questioned.

"There's like half an hour until our first class starts. Duh"

"Crappppp." I said about to close the door.

"Wait!" he said, pulling out a bottle of aspirin and some water. "I brought gifts."

I smiled, taking them. "Thanks, shoot I have a massive hangover!"

"They way you were drinking last night, I'd be surprised if you didn't." he said laughing.

I laughed slightly. "How bad was it?"

He just smirked.

"Tell me.." I whispered.

"Nope." he said, popping the p. "Maybe I'll just start yelling to piss you off."

"You wouldn't dare." I said, reaching to close the door again.

"Alright, alright. I'll have mercy. But now you have 20 min."

"Damn it!" I said, about to close my door again.

"I came to ask if I could drive you." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean- who you like a drive to school? Cause we have the same class and all. And we need to preserve the environment and all. Gas emissions-"

"Yea. That'd be great." I said, my heart melting slightly. "Can I get ready now?"

"One more thing. You have something, right here." he said, indicating his forehead.

"Thanks." I said, blushing, and closing the door.

I sprinted to the bathroom mirror, screeching at my discovery. 'GABRIEL IS FLAME.' was written on my forehead in large capital letters.

"GABRIEL!!!" I screamed, hearing a loud laugh echo from next door.

This little....


"So you guys have the same class right now?" Louis, Gabe's bestfriend and roommate asked, looking up from his phone.

"Yea." I said, smiling at him. I was currently ignoring Gabriel.

"Ya know Trish, I never pegged you as a beanie girl." Gabriel smirked, when we pulled up in the school lot.

Don't punch him. Don't punch him. DON'T punch him. I pulled my beanie down tigher over my forehead, making sure it was perfectly secure.

"I miss your bangs Trish. Can I see them?" he said, turning the ignition off.

"Maybe in your next life. Want some help getting there?" I threatened, pulling my fist out.

Louis started laughing in the back.

"You told him?" I asked and Gabe smiled nervously.

"Let's not get worked up here." he said, as I slammed the car door, attempting to exit the car gracefully. Obviously I failed, basically falling on my face. Laughter erupted from behind me, and I turned red. Oh god. I'm honestly going to kill him. I left just as Gabriel exited the car.

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