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Harry's POV:

Days passed, and Harry was eventually able to forget what had happened. Well, like before, almost forget. He still had dreams about that night, and woke up panting, covered in sweat and something else.

Soon, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and it was time to pick up their kids from the platform again.

Walking calmly through the divider, he came out onto the same platform that had once been his transportation to his home. No matter how many years passed, he would always call Hogwarts his second home. Looking around the platform for Ron, he spotted a flash of white-blonde hair, and looked again. There was Draco, staring directly at him, with a distant look in his eyes. They both realized that they had been caught, and turned around, both blushing furiously.

"DAD!!" He heard. Looking up, he saw his three kids waving frantically. Pasting a smile on his face, he held his arms open, and they both ran to hug him. Lily clung to him like a sloth to a tree, and his smile slowly became real. Looking up, he saw Scorpius walk slowly over to Draco, and give him a stiff hug.

After the hug ended, Draco looked up at Harry again, with a searching expression.

Something inexplicable came over Harry, and he licked his lips and winked.

Watching as Draco's expression became incredulous, and his face turned the color of a Red Cap's hat, he felt a small sense of smug satisfaction, and he turned his attention back to his kids.

"Where's Mom?" James asked, a look of confusion taking over his features.

"Oh, she, uh, she had to go out with Aunt Hermione."

"Aunt Hermione's right over there, Dad."

Looking to see where his son was pointing, he mentally slapped himself. Of course she was. She and Ron were the perfect couple, faithful to the end. Unlike he and Ginny. It still hurt to realize that she was cheating on him. With Seamus, of all people. He isn't even that good-looking, and he has the cheapest job ever, what's so good about him? he found himself wondering.


Looking down again, he saw Lily staring at him with a scared look on her face. "Are you... okay? You look... angry."

Cursing himself, he rearranged his features, he smiled warmly down at her. "No, it's okay, I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"Okay." The usual bright smile reappeared, and she turned to wave at one of her friends.

"Let's go home to Mom, how 'bout it?" Harry asked the kids.

"Okay!" They answered immediately, huge grins appearing on their faces.

And so they left.

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Pulling into the driveway, Harry turned off the ignition and stepped out of the house. Ginny's car was missing from the driveway. There was a note on the kitchen table, that read;

Hi kids!

I'm really sorry I couldn't be there for your pick-up, but there was an emergency at work, and all of us had to stay in late. I'll probably be staying the night, just to figure this thing out.

Welcome home,


Harry immediately grabbed his cell phone (handy little things, those were), and called Seamus' house. His housemaid picked up, and said that he had been called in to work on urgent business.

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