5. Ghost (Luke imagine)

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(Luke imagine)

Luke walked through the living room. Although he had grew up in this room, everything looked totally different from when he lived here. The new house owners had redecorated, and added their technology. When Luke was living here, all they had was a radio, but now they had big rectangular screens that showed moving pictures, like a home cinema.

Another new addition to the house was the teenage girl that watched the screen. She was the reason Luke stuck around his old house. His family was long gone, they left after the tragedy that struck. Luke never returned to his old house until recently, but now he stayed here.

The girl was his age, she even slept in the room that used to be his. She was beautiful, and Luke admired her. He would sneak glances at her around the house, dancing alone to her music, trying to throw and catch food in her mouth, and smiling and laughing at things on her handheld device.

Her beautiful smile made Luke smile too. He never talked to her, or let her see him, but sometimes he almost revealed himself accidentally. She would catch a glance at him, as he quickly hid, but she would shrug it off, calling herself crazy. But Luke wanted so badly to show himself, but he didn't know how she would react. He sighed and finally gathered up the courage to reveal himself. She was home alone, lounging on the couch. He summoned up the energy to make himself visible. He knocked something over to catch her attention.

You turned around to see what had fallen, but your eyes landed on Luke and you screamed.

"Please don't be scared! I'm sorry! I just want to talk to you!" Luke pleaded, it had been a while since he had heard his voice out loud. He had forgotten how deep it was.

"Who are you! Why are you in my house!" You stood up from the couch, backing away from him.

"Well technically you are in my house..." He said, shifting his feet.

You squinted at him, "Wait... Are, are you... A ghost?" You gasped noticing his milky white complexion and the way he almost shimmed. He was almost transparent, and held a form that could easily be missed by a quick glance

Luke nodded, sheepishly, "Yes."

"Oh my god, I am going insane!" You clutched your head, rubbing your temples.

"No! You aren't. I am here, I used to live here! I'm sorry I should never had shown myself...." He apologized, regretting his decision.

"So, you're dead?" Your eyes were wide, trying to figure this all out.

"Yes. I died in 1941, in this house actually." He admitted, he didn't like to talk about his death, but he needed to explain.

"Okay that's really freaky. I didn't need to know that a teenage boy died in my house." The color drained from your face.

"I'm so sorry, I have frightened you! I just was really taken by you, but this was a bad idea. I will just go, and I promise I will not come back." Luke rambled apologetically.

You cocked your head, "Wait, you were taken by me? You mean like you have a crush on me?" You questioned.

He adjusted his button down shirt nervously, "Well, yes..." He bit his lip.

"That's actually kinda sweet, creepy yeah, but sweet too." You sat back down on the couch, "Don't go, I want you to tell me about yourself."

"You do?" Luke asked in surprise.

You nodded, "Yes, I mean if there is a ghost living in my house, I might as well get to know him."

"Oh, alright then. My name is Luke, to start." He sat down next to here.

"I'm (Y/N). Now tell me about 1941."

This originally started as a supernatural beings preference but the other ones sucked but I liked this one. It's kinda weird but hopefully it was good.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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