The Big Day

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3rd person P.O.V

Today was the big day for the 5 girls. The day that they would make a promise. A vow. Something they would never break. It was their wedding day. While they all got ready the guys were as nervous as the girls. 'What if she doesn't love me, what if it always was that Kent guy...i think it was Kenny', Paul thought as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Nervous", Reggie said smirking. "Ugh, you don't know how nervous, what if she loves someone else like Kenny or that fast blonde guy ummm Barry", Paul says before sighing. Reggie laughed. "She's put up with you long enough so I'm pretty sure she loves you", Reggie said before leaving his nervous brother. Paul nodded and decided that Dawn did love him. Well Drew wasn't that sure of May's love for him. After May told him that her and Ash had a 'moment', he wasn't sure of anything. "She loves ya", said a voice. Drew turned around and saw Norman standing near the door. Norman threw him something. A little pink notebook. A diary. He opened it, and most of the entries had a picture of him winning a contest. It was May's diary from when they were 10.
July 23, 2009

There was a contest today and Drew was here. I lost. But Drew won, so what could be better than that. I remember the day I met him. I'll never love anyone the way I love him. He's so much better than me. Why would he love a pathetic coordinator? He's better off with a good coordinator, not me.... When he gives me a red rose, I think he doesn't know that roses have meanings. Red thornless roses mean love at first sight. But he said they were for Beautifly, not me. But no matter what Drew Hayden, I'll love you forever.
Drew's eyes watered. He turned to thank Norman but he was gone. He put the diary down and got ready to ask the love of his life to make him the happiest man alive. Ash was having a scenario kinda like both Drew and Paul. "Ash, you dense idiot, she loves you, she told me when you two were ten, and she fought for you. I'm pretty sure she means it, when she says I love you", Brock said matter-of-factly. Ash nods not quite sure of everything. "Relax, I know how you feel. Oh me and Lucy are getting married soon so yea", he says smiling. "That's great", Ash exclaims. Brock leaves the raven haired boy as soon as he's sure that Ash knows Misty loves him. Clemont was shaking. How could Serena love him. They were so different. Clemont was a nerd, Serena was a stylish chick who could have any guy. "Clemont stop worrying", Bonnie squeals. Clemont turns around surprised to see his little sister. "She loves ya so stop fussin", she says smiling. "Come on Bonnie you need to get the flowers", Max says smiling at the nervous geek. Bonnie smiles and says,"Okay and remember, she loves you". Max and Bonnie leave and the geek who now was smiling confidentially. The girls weren't nervous at all except Misty. She loved Ash ever since she met him. Ash was the one for her but today she wasn't sure he loved her. "Like chill Misty", Daisy said sweetly. "Ya", Lily and Violet chorus. Misty gives them a sweet smile and nods. The sisters leave and Misty goes over to her best friends. "Isn't this exciting", the chorus to the young redhead. Misty only nods and smiles weakly. "It's time", Brock says startling the young women. They nod and smile brightly. 'What if he changes his mind, what if he never loved me at all, what if he isn't there', Misty thinks. The girls start to walk towards the altar. May was being walked by Norman, Misty was being walked by Prof. Oak, Serena by Giovanni who somehow decided to go to his daughters wedding, Leaf by her best friend Red, and Dawn by Prof. Rowan. 'How did we get here, to the altar. No matter what I'll love you forever', the girls thought close to tears. They all saw their fiance standing there, smiles on their faces. "I ship it", everyone in the stands yell laughing. After they say 'I do' the priest says,"These ships have now become canon". Everyone in the stands cheer and laugh. I know that our lifes won't be perfect, I know there will hard times, it won't always be just right but this is what we wanted, they all thought smiling. This isn't happily ever's much more than that, Misty thought thinking about her and Ash's future. Boom! They look up and see Team Rocket. "What are you losers doing", Giovanni roars. "We just decided to say congrats to the twerps", Jessie says smiling. "Yea, since these two idiots are married too", Meowth says. "That's awesome", Ash exclaims. "Oh and Boss we quit, we all want a normal life", James says. "I don't care just get out of my sight", he growls. Yup, this is not happily ever after. I have a feeling it's wayyyy better than that, Misty thinks smiling to herself.

Omfg I'm crying rn. Gosh, this...I'm...gosh thank you for 600+ views. This is the end of Love The Way You Lie. I thank you guys for reading this story. Next chapter will be an epilogue and after that will be an authors note talking about the sequel. Thank you :) I just want to thank you guys for reading this! Thank you....

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