Hold on, We're Coming

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Ash P.O.V

Ring ring ring
Hey Mist
Sup Ashy
What's up
Guess what
Um I don't know
.......I'm pregnant
WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!??!
Hahahahaha I'm just kidding
Don't scare me like that....
guess who's coming to Kalos
Yea, and some people I managed to get there too
wait, we'll be there by tomorrow morning
Can i have a clue on who these other people are
NO you just wait ok, gtg bye bae
Ugh, fine bye love you
Haha love you too fatty
.....sure you're not anyway bye my little Pokemon Master
Bye my little Water Pokemon Master
"YES I CAN'T BELIEVE IT YES THANK YOU ARCEUS YAY", I yell at the top of my lungs. Oh wait it's 10 at night....... "Ash shut up", I hear Bonnie yell. "Ash it's 10 at night give me a break", Clemont moans. "Yeah go to sleep Ash", Serena mutters. I get up and get them all in my tent saying I have important news. "So....what is it", Bonnie says wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Ok so my friends are coming to Kalos and so is Misty!!!!", I say my voice full of happiness. "Yay I'll finally meet the prettiest girl in the world", Bonnie squealed. "It'll be nice to meet her face to face and meet you're other friends", Clemont said smiling. Serena's eye twitched. "Are you okay Serena", Bonnie asked. "Super, I'll finally talk to Misty up close and Ash's other friends", Serena said sweetly while her eye twitches again. "........they'll be here in the morning so let's go to sleep", I say. They nod and go to their tents. I go to sleep with dreams of Misty on my mind.
---time skip bc they got to sleep non?---
I put on the outfit I used when I traveled with Misty and Brock.

Serena P.O.V

Ugh Misty is coming and some other people. If they're girls I swear to Arceus if they talk to Ash I will personally murder them (obsessed much?). I guess I'll have to wait and see. I go out and make breakfast but Clemont is already out there making food. "Oh I see you beat me to making breakfast huh?", I ask sweetly. "Yea since I expect a lot of people to come and i couldn't sleep I decided to make breakfast for everyone", he said. "That's nice of you do you need help", I ask. "Yes please", Clemont said politely. Clemont accidentally dropped a spatula and i bent down to pick it up and he also did so our hands met. We both blushed and mumbled a sorry and finished making breakfast. I asked, "Clem have you ever had a girlfriend".A tear fell from Clemont's eye and he quickly said,"I don't want to talk about this right now". "Hey Serena", Bonnie said giggling. "What's funny", I ask. "Nothing I'm just so excited to meet Misty and Ash's other friends", she squeals. I nod and tell her breakfast is ready. I see Ash pacing around his tent. "What's wrong", I ask."Nothing I'm just so happy to see Misty after 4 months of being apart", Ash exclaimed. "Oh ok, maybe she'll learn a thing or two from me", I say. "Wha", Ash said. "Like a Pokemon Showcase the showcases start in 3 days", I ramble. Ash nods as some figures come into view. Ash screams for us to come together. The figures come closer and i see boys and girls. "Guys", Ash screams as he runs over to them. "Like hello Ash",3 girls yell. A honey blonde(Daisy), a bluenette (Violet) and a girl with magenta colored hair(Lily). I see stars in Bonnie's eyes as Ash says,"Daisy, Violet, Lily hey". "Ash long time no see", a boy with brown hair and a Pikachu smiled. "Ritchie", Ash exclaimed giving him a bro hug as Ash's Pikachu and that boy's Pikachu hugged. "Did you forget about me Ashy-boy", a guy with spiky brown hair exclaimed. ".....Hey womanizer", Ash said laughing at the guys face. "I'm not a womanizer I'm Gary Oak", he yells. "Ash don't you know 2 people have to do something to get one pregnant", a Japanese looking guy said. Ash's face went Tomato Berry red, "I - I - I know that Brock". "Wait so you and Misty did that", a brunette squeaked. "NO MAY STOP WE DIDN'T DO THAT", Misty yelled. A bluenette, a girl with big purple hair put in a ponytail laughed. "Hey Iris and Dawn". "Sup pathetic", a muscular boy with purple hair mumbled. "What's Paul doing here", Ash exclaimed. "Well he's my boyfriend", the bluenette squealed. Ash let out a gasp and said,"Woooow". "Hey Ash", a grasshead said flicking his hair. "Drew lemme guess you and May are dating huh?", Ash said smugly. May and Drew both went red in the face and said,"Of course not I'm not dating Grasshead/July". "Soooo kawaii", Bonnie squealed. The boy Max looked at Bonnie and blushed. "And the last is me", a green haired guy said. "Hey Cilan", Ash said. Wow he's happy to see those people. "I'm Serena", I said sweetly. They waved while Misty gave me a cold glare. "Omg I'm Bonnie and it's an honor to meet all of you especially the Sensational Sisters". "I'm Clemont", Clemont said politely smiling. We talked for awhile while our pokemon talked and then I said,"Hey Misty can we talk for a bit". She said something to the other girls who nodded and we went into the forest. "What do you want", Misty said. "I want you to break up with Ash or else I'll make sure you two break up", I growl. Slap. She slapped me, a few tears sprang from my eyes as Misty walked away.

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