Destiny Chose Her.

Start from the beginning

"Theres not a lot of people like you left in the Satellite." He commented as I handed him the cup and took a drink. I shrugged off my denim jacket and sat across from him laying it over the top to air out. It was the chair my mother and I use to sit in together and read books we found around the Satellite.

"Yeah well, I was always taught to treat people like how I would treat myself." My mind took me back to the moments mom would teach me manners and how I should respect others but I quickly pulled myself out of it. "So Yusei, what brings you over to my place? Which I'm kind of curious how you found." I muttered the last part.

"I had heard there was a girl with a newly designed runner picking fights with Trudge and the rest of Sector Security. It was rumored that she easily takes them all down with a deck full of monsters no ones ever heard of before. Oh, and I just followed you here." He stated casually.

My eyes squinted as my brows furrowed and I shook my head in disbelief. "'Cause that does give off a stalker vibe or anything." He laughed at me, leaving my eyes to roll at him. "As for the rumor, yes its true." I paused pulling out my deck from one of the holsters on my side. "These cards had never been played until my mother. She was their original owner, using them to only escape the City and then locked away again until now when I use them to escape the facility."

"Sounds like theres a complicated story behind that." I nodded, returning my deck to their place.

"Very complicated." I whispered. "But enough about my cards, what did you want to ask me?" I calmly snapped, wanting to get to the point.

"You looked like you had a good sense of mechanics when you were working on your Runner earlier. I wanted to ask you for your help on a project I'm working on." I instantly froze as I felt there was going to be something wrong about this yet I had to ask.

"What kind of project?"


"You want to what?!" I screeched at Yusei.

He had lead me down to an abandoned subway station on the back of my runner where, under the streets, he showed me the duel runner he had been working on for a while now. It looked pretty good on the outside but its the inner works that matter the most. But over all of this, he just told me he want to sneak his way into Neo Domino City!

"Yusei. You know thats suicide, right? I mean, theres no way to get there other than ship!" He didnt seem to be fazed by my outburst as he stroked over his runner and grinned at me.

"Thats where you're wrong." He corrected making me shut up instantly. "See, theres an opening at midnight once a month when Neo Domino sends its garbage here to the Satellite. If I can make it through that opening in time, then I'll be able to get back what I lost." I wanted to question what it was that he lost but by the pain and determination on his face, I decided to leave it and give in.

I sighed in defeat and strode over to his computer that held the structure of the Runner in its files. "Fine. Let me take a look." He backed up and let me do my thing as my fingers danced over the keyboard. I hummed looking over the schematics and accessing a plan to establish the right equivalence throughout the runner to get Yusei outta here.

About 10 minutes later, I groaned as I tried my last plan on the simulator yet still coming out in a failure. "I'm sorry, Yusei, I can adjust the circulation of the wheels and install a new power router to the main engine to give you some more speed but with the acceleration chip you have now, it's not gonna be enough to get you even close to the door."

Yusei looked like he grew a little agitated as his eyes closed and he took a heavy breath as he leaned against his runner. When he opened them again he looked back into my hues with a sense of stubbornness. "Would you mind making those adjustments nonetheless?" He asked.

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