Do You Need Some Help? (Lily x IA)

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Lily x IA one-shot

Oh gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this. I've fallen in love with the most annoying girl in my class, Lily. I did find her loud and a bit stupid, but over time, I developed feelings for her. I couldn't help but melt every time I saw her blonde hair, flowing down her back, or the wonderful sparkling pair of blue eyes she has. Not to mention, she has the sweetest personality. I remember once, when she first came to my high school, I was having trouble understanding the math home work I was given, and she offered to help. Well, I totally rejected her, being the ass I am, but she still never looked at me differently. Actually, she talks happy-go-lucky to everyone. No matter how rude, or bitter they seemed, Lily would always try to make friends with them. Something a lot of people need these days.

So, today is the day I thought I would finally do it. Confess. I have never, EVER, done something like this, but I've fallen in love. What can I say? Today is going to be the most nerve racking day at school. Oh, and did I mention I always stutter around her? Yeah, this is going to be embarrassing. Feel free to laugh at me now.

I walked in math class. 'There she is!' I thought to myself. She was talking to many people, like always. 'I'll wait until after class, then I'll confess'

I was doing terrible. I've never been good at math, even though I'm pretty descent at other subjects. "Do you need some help?" A voice said. I turn my head backwards to see Liliy. "M-Me? N-Need help? No." Gah, why am I always so mean to her!

"You've been starring at problem 6 for 20-minutes." She laughed. "Come on, a little help won't hurt!" She gave me a kind smile.

"W-Well...only if you want to..." I knew if I didn't get help, I would most likely fail. So, I caved in.

"Okay, what are you having a hard time understanding?" She leaned closer to me. I couldn't stop blushing like crazy. "U-Um..."

"Go on." Lily waited patiently for me to reply.

"T-This..." I pointed to a multiplication problem. I never got multiplication ever sense I was a kid.

"Oh!" The blonde said, sounding a bit excited, "That's a tricky one! But it'll be easy once you get the hang of it."

Time seemed to fly while she was teaching me. Of course, I was blushing the whole time. She seemed so happy to help. I wonder why she would want to waste her time on someone like me.

"Got it?" She asked. I simply just nodded. "Alright! See that wasn't that hard! Any time you need help, just ask me!"

"A-Alright..." I shyly looked out of the window, trying not to embarrass myself. "H-Hey, do y-you t-think that you could c-come over to m-my house Saturday? T-There's a big t-test coming up s-soon and I don't w-want to fail..." I stuttered out, with not much confidence.

"Sure! I would like that."shortly after that, the bell rang. Lily started to get up, but I stopped her. "Uh...T-Thank you..." 

"No problem~" She then happily skipped off to the lunch room.

'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' I yelled in my thoughts, slapping my head. 'I was going to confess! I guess I chickened out...' I sighed, knowing this is how it will always be. 'Well, might as well get through the rest of the day. Tomorrow, Lily is coming over. Can't wait to embarrass myself some more.' I grabbed my back-pack, and stumbled to the lunch room.

The rest of the day went pretty fast. I only have math with Lily, so I didn't have to worry about bumping into her.

The end of the day approached, and I got on the bus, 'what have I gotten myself into...' I thought.

The next day, I woke up around 9:00am, and texted Lily and told her to be at my house at 12:00pm. I still had a little while until she arrives, so I decided I would doll myself up. A cute, pink, lacy dress, complete with a pink, lacy bow on my head. I put my glasses back on. 'I suppose I don't look to bad.'

I nervously awaited for Lily to arrive. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Lily. "Hi!" She happily said.

"H-Hello...c-come in." She walked in, and we both sat at my table.

"Okay, let's go to page 32." Lily said. I opened my book to said page.

"W-Wait, Lily..." I gulped. I'm going to finally do it.


"I h-have something to t-tell you...I l-love you..." I quietly said, scared of rejection.

"I'm sorry, what did you say, IA?"

"I-I...I LOVE YOU!" I boldly said, covering my face in the process.

"You do...? Oh, IA!" Lily hugged me. "I feel the same way! I've loved you ever sense I saw you!"

"I f-feel the same." I gave Lily a gentle peck on the cheek. Lily then knocked me down and passionately kissed me. I felt so happy.

"I-I love you, Lily." My stutter slowly started to go away. "I love you too, IA."

~The End~

Hello! This is just a short little story I wrote when I was bored. I hope you enjoyed it! Again, please feel free to request anything!

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