Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V

I jumped from my spot and glared at the Hyuga's back. He didn't seem to notice, that or he really didn't care. He just walked over to the men and knocked them out.

: " Neji, what the heck man!? "

Neji turned so he could face me: " I was on my way back from a mission. I could tell you were near by and in need of some assistance. "

: " You know darn well i didn't need any assistance. "

This man doesn't get it. Were both Joinen and i've even kicked his butt a few times. He knows full well i didn't need any help. He opened his mouth to counter, but i cut him off.

: " I don't want to hear it. My mission is done and i'm going home. "

Sharply i turned on my heel and put a hand up to grasp my shoulder as i walked away from him.

Neji followed behind me: " What happened to your shoulder? "

He sounded so uninterested. Why does he even bother?

: " Nothing, it must have just caught on some of the glass from the window. "

Neji: " Why, may i ask, did you break a window. "

: " Those two guys burst into the room i wasn't supposed to be in. So it was them with their kuntas or a 3 story drop of the solid glass window. "

Neji: " Such recklessness. "

I spun around to face him: " Hey! I was doing just fine. You could've just gone on your way and let me do my job. "

Neji's stare turned into a slight glare. Great now i ticked him off. He slid into his gentle fist stance.

: " Neji? "

He pushed off the ground. His aim headed straight for me. I gasped preparing for the hit, his hand went past me, but something connected with my injured shoulder. I could hear a grunt then a thud. Glancing behind me i could see an average day thug laying on the ground.

I wavered a bit where i stood. My vision turning the slightest bit blurry.

Neji: " You have lost to much blood. "

Shaking my head: " No i haven't. I'm just fine. Let's keep moving. "

I backed away from him and turned to continue on, but he grabbed my wrist. I turned back around to yell at him, but he looked different. The cold, firm stare wasn't there anymore. His face was relaxed and his eyes held an emotion in them.

Neji: " Sit down and let me at least stop the bleeding before we continue walking. "

: ".....fine. "

I sat on the ground, turning myself away from him. I could hear him sit behind me.

Neji: " You'll....have to move your shirt. "

Did i just hear him stutter? Just the slightest bit?

: " I..can't. "

I seriously couldn't lift my arm enough to move my shirt out of the way.

Neji sighed: " Then may i? "

I was probably blushing by this point, so embarrassing: " Ye..yeah. "

Neji gently took hold of the sleeves, slipping them halfway down my arm.

Neji: " This will sting. "

He poured water over my wound, dried it off, applied some ointment and finally wrapped it up. Though as he was wrapping it, i fell back onto his chest. I guess he was right about loosing to much blood.

Neji's voice was quiet: " Jasmine? "

My voice was faint:" I'm sorry Neji. "

I guess after that i passed out cause i don't remember anything else.

Neji's P.O.V

She fell back into my chest and apologized. What's with this girl? How does she bring out a softer side in me?

I finished putting the bandages on and got her shirt back in place. Then cradled her in my arms to carry her back to the village.

Jasmine was out for quite some time. We were almost to the gate when she came to.

Her eyes slowly opened:" What happened? "

:" You passed out from blood loss. "

Jasmine freaked out causing her to fall out of my arms and land on the ground.

Jasmine:" Ow. "

:" Well if you had just stayed still that wouldn't have happened. "

She glared at me as she got back up and dusted herself off. We walked though the gates and to the Hokage's office to report both our missions.

A Silent Trust Neji Hyuga Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now