Chapter 17 - Loveless

Start from the beginning

"Hayley! Hayley" he shouted a woman's name out loud. His voice echoed through the room, his beautiful accent raining down over us.

I heard the whoosh of the wind and a figure appeared before us. Oh my God. It was her.

"It is her. The whore that stole my child!" i couldn't think of an appropriate inappropriate word to call her, " WHORE!" but she just smirked at me. I had not noticed before, mainly because all i was focused on was Nikole, but right now i noticed that the girl, Hayley, had deep red eyes. Like she had been crying for a lifetime. But that did not matter. The pain i felt was...unbelievable! Un-fucking believable! I stared her with anger. 

"Sohpie helped....i've lost too much...too much because of you vampires...its time i took something from you, i've lost everything, i lost my baby, my baby, my baby, my baby" the girl continued to repeat "my baby" again and again. Oh lord. It was both psychotic and depressing. I wanted to hug her and beat the life out of her at the same time. The stability in my had gone. 

Elijah looked to me.

"Something's wrong has occurred. It will all be fixed in no time. I promise"  something was definitely wrong, the tone in his voice was at once formal and straight-forward. I didn't understand anything right now.

But i knew one thing.

One distinct thing.

The loss of a child.

A mother's pain.

I imagined everything had slowed down. I paced myself as i walked across the room to go to the mad woman who had stole my child. Who was crying and rambling at the same time.

I imagined she was not saying anything.

I took a very long deep breath.

I can do this.

Hayley looked at me. And i stared at her with understanding eyes. Eyes that did not judge her, just...understood.

In that moment, she finally stopped her madness. She stopped rambling. She just looked at me. Neither scared nor strong. Just broken.

"Losing you're doesn't just hurt you. It takes all of you and it breaks it. Bone by bone. Piece by piece. I know how you feel" i told Hayley. The broken mother in front of me.

"I know how you feel. Truly" i emphasised to her.

"But what you have done. It will not fix a thing, my dear." i got my fingers and stroked her red, throbbing eyes. I tried to softly drag the wetness away from her eyes sockets. She just looked at me, ready to break down again.

She took a deep breath then and wiped her own tears.

I turned to Elijah and he looked at me. Like he was finally seeing me. For the first time. And then he cried. He cried. My heart wanted to go to him, but Hayley had returned with a small Innocent in her arms. My Nikole.

"I am sorry" she told me and handed my child back. I brought Nikole to my face and kissed her a billion times more than i should. I had lost her too many times. I just wanted to run away with her. Right now. Right bloody now!

"It is all right" i replied to her and gently touched her shoulder. She was slightly shaking. Poor girl.

She walked up the large stairs at the end of the living room and went into a room. I felt so bad. But i had my child and nothing could truly bring me down now.

I turned to look at Elijah.

He had wiped out his tears now.

What was wrong?

We were safe, right?

I think.

This place was

I stared at him and smiled, "What in God's name are you wearing, my love?" and with that we both giggled with joy.

He held me and Nikole tight. He hugged us and kissed us both. Oh, this was perfection. But i still had questions.

"No, but seriously...what are you-" i was about to ask him, but before i could he kissed me again. It was a very STRONG and Passionate kiss. His tongue literally kissed all of the inside of my mouth.

He looked me in the eyes like he was about to confess the biggest secret in the world.

"This is the future,'re in the future" and i wanted to laugh. But Elijah was dead serious.

Dead serious.

And dead right.

It all made sense now.



Was my first reaction, but then i thought.....we're away from Niklaus. We're free. Oh my God.

I smiled at him.

"Don't you see Elijah, we're free from Niklaus, we can go anywhere now...anywhere!" i kissed Nikole's cheek. Oh, thank you God.

Elijah just looked upset and depressed.

"Time does not work like that, my darling" but i still didn't see why we could not just stay here.

Why not?




"OK...we can fix this...can't we..witch!" i told the woman. She did small jump in her skin. Rebekah smiled with dominance. 

"I'll need help" the witch announced.

Hm. Always with the help. Great. This is gonna take longer than i had hoped, isn't it?

"Where is this help?" i asked her straightforwardly, while Elijah stared into the baby's cot. How sentimental of him.

The witch looked at me like we were all in a very big predicament.

"In the ghost world...."



 I still didn't understand.

Why would we have to go back to our stupid time?

We were safe here, right?

"Nikole is safe here, but you certainly aren't...." he told me truthfully.

But why was not i? Is Niklaus still alive? Is the curse not broken? Why?


He stared at me with sad, confused eyes.

"Because you're dead!" he shouted and you could practically hear a pin drop in the room, because the silence was everlasting after he told me.

I'm dead.





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