Chapter 10: We're so Paris when we kiss.

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Chapter 10:

Okay. i love you guys. 2 update in 1 day. feel special.. 

Well, here it is. Enjoy.


Zayn called everybody. Not recovering from what he saw.

'Zayn. Why? 'Elle said.

Zayn gestured me to tell them.

'Before i said this. Darcy, i know you knew what i am. I can smell you.' i said. Everyone was curious but Darcy look like she know already.

'Yeah. i smell you too. Don't worry. I'm not a bad kind. i know you're not too.' Darcy said. i nodded at him.

'What's going on?' harry demanded. Darcy and I stand.

'Darcy and I. We are a Witch but we want to call it Wizard.' I said waiting for their reaction. they laugh HARD,.

'What a great joke.' They said a lot of things like 'you're a good actress' 

'ITS TRUE! I SAW IT!' Zayn yelled. Everyone was wide eyes and mouth hanging open.

'H-h' They can't even said a word.

'Please keep this as a secret we don't want to be found or else the bad witches will kill us and get our powers.' Darcy plead. Its true. there are bad witches here and they are so bad.

'Prove it.' Louis said. I smile and nodded.

'This is my favorite. ' i snap my finger and my outift was changed. Once again they're in shock wide eyes and mouth open.

'Cool, this is my favorite though.' Darcy said.

'2 in spanish is dos, I was startled by a loud voice, i'm hungry and want a food from nandos.' Darcy chant and snap and nandos was at the table.

'Cooooool!!' Niall said and dig in to the food. this boy have a large metabolism.

'Why did you not said this to me?' Elle said. 

' I thought I will scare you.' i said.

'Scare me? this is so cool. '

'I thought witches are ugly but you guys are beautiful.' Liam said. We blushed.

'Witches and Wizard are normal looking.' 

'Can you cast a spell more.' Zayn said. He's like a child. 

'Okay. C'mon. Lets go somewhere.' I said. Everyone was staring at us.

'White color of flowers. A beautiful reflection from the water, I want Zayn and I on top of Eiffel tower.' Cast and snap.

Wow. this is beautiful. We're on top of Eiffel tower. It was sunset and wow. Its breath taking.

'Wow. its beautiful.' I said sweetly.

'Yeah. It is.' Looking at me.

'i'm sorry Zayn for not telling you, I was worried you think i'm a freak and i don't want that. i want to be a normal girl and I am not a normal girl. I'm a freak and a --.' i was cut off by a warm lips on mine. Zayn kissed me passionately and it was magical.  He licked my bottom lip asking for entrane and I grant him. We pulled away for air.

'I should talk too much. that's a good way to shut me up.' i said jokingly.

'Yeah. I love to shut you of.. Its fine, Nica. It was cool. I know you're a good witch. lets enjoy this sunset at the city of love.' Zayn smiled and peck my lips. I was watching the beautiful sunset while Zayn was hugging me on my back. i could live like this forever. After an hour. It was dark. So we need to get back on the lads and gals.

'Lets go back.' i said. Zayn nodded. I snap my finger and we're back at Louis' flat. Yes, i can do magic without a spell. 

'You guys are here. Where did you two go?' Niall asked.

'Ooh. At the Eiffel Tower.' Zayn said slinging an arm around me while we sit on the love seat. i'm on his lap and his hands are on my waist while his head rested on the crook of my neck.

'that's so sweet. ' Elle said.

We are all cuddling up with our respective patner. that's sound funny. then Louis start singing his line from 'Nobody Compares.'

'We're so paris when we kiss, when we kiss. ' He sing while looking at us winking. Me and Zayn was blushing. And what a great friend they are, they laugh!


I know its short, i promise to write long chapter. Swear. Well, this is not a good chapter. I'm and awful writer. :(

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SwaggerChic. xx

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