Found by One Direction chapter one: fight

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"Pleeeeaaaassseeee!" my sister Kendra pleaded annoyingly.

"No Kendra, I'm not taking you to some dumb one direction concert. You actually think one direction will notice you? There are billions of people in that arena and you really think their just gonna point you out, out of the blue?" I asked my sister annoyed.

"it's possible and really all I want is to watch them perform and get an autograph but once they see me were all going to get married and live happily ever after." Kendra said with a smirk on her face.

"Whatever" I said as I took a large bite into my red apple. You see my sister Kendra front row concert tickets and meet and greet tickets to a one direction concert . But the problem was that our parents are getting older and thy can't handle loud noises and their both claustrophobic. I'm claustrophobic but I'm not too bad and at times I can handle it. At times. And nobody else an take Kendra so he's begging me to take her. And so far my answer is no because 1) I hate one direction they all are so full of themselves and think their so cool..

2) we have to stay with our aunt Lucy and she is really really annoying. If she doesn't have her glasses she acts like she's completely blind! Truth is he exadurates ALOT. One time I was making myself Kraft dinner and she put her face right in my food and kept asking me what I was making and when I told her she just kept saying 'nope nope! I don't think it is hun.' to me and it was ticking me off. And we always is in my business! Everytime I walk up to go to the bathroom right away she asks where I'm going. One time I got mad and she got all offensive.


I walk up to go to the bathroom

"Where are you heading to?"

"To the bathroom wanna come?"

" LOOK NO NEED FOR ATTITUDE!NIM YOUR AUNT respect me! " then she start"d mumbling something that sounded like 'stupid child that think she knows everything. She's so stubborn She gives me head aches..' And then she called my parents and of course when I got back home I was grounded for 6 months.

*flashback ended*

And she always waits for me to fall asleep and then takes my sister out to eat and takes her late shopping and whenever I wake up she never says anything but when my sister wakes up she always says 'top of the morning to you dear' and smiles. I Swear my aunt used to love me until my sister came along and now I'm just a peice of dirt to her. Anyway point is I don't want to go but then I remembered I told my sister a year ago I would do anything for her, for her birthday so my weird sister held on to that and I have to keep my word so I guess I HAVE. To go.

When we got on the plane and went in the air my head ache began,my stomach turned and I got dizzy. I felt as if everything was closing in! Swear trickled down my cheek and my face turned a bright red. I was getting dizzier and dizzier and my stomach twisted harder and harder and my head kept on pounding and everything around me spun like crazy. And then all I remembered was a lady that I assumed was a nurse holding up two fingers trying to speak to me but at the moment I couldn't hear much of what she was saying. My sister was crying people were talking and Turning to stare at me and it was too much for me to comprehend.

What did you think will happen next? What do you want to happen? Comment below! I promise I will read all the comments I get!

Thanks soooo soo much for reading!

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