Chapter9:the crowd

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Jazmen's POV

"Oh no Harry it's my sister!" I whispered to harry, still on his lap on the drivers seat.

"What? What's wrong with your sister?"

"She's probably mad that I'm with you...but how would she know about me and you?"

" I have know idea" hard said then he began to roll down the window.

"UM hello?! Did you forget about someone?" My sister said with one hand behind her back and one on her hip. "No." I replied.

"We'll then. Why are you with Harry styles??!" My sister said pointing to Harry.

"Look , I found Jazz she fainted and I Caught her and then I found a purple bag that I think she was looking for and I found needles and gave her her shot because well...she is diabetic." Harry said to my sister. "Oh but then why were you there over night?! And you said you didn't even like one direction! And why wouldn't you at least tell me you were with them!" My sister yelled and now she had tears rolling down her pink rosy cheeks. "I don't know...I was afraid you would be still mad so I didn't talk to anyone and before I didn't know Harry like I know him now he wasn't what I thought I thought he was stuck up and rude but no..." I said looking at harry. I could tell he was a little bit offended though. Harry then got out of the car and hugged my sister and then they took a picture. "Do you forgive me NOW?" I asked

"Yea I guess...well bye! I gotta tell my friends I met Harry!" She said running away. "WAIT!" I called after her. "Don't tell them that I'm with harry, then the papperazzis will come to aunt Lucy's and bug." I said

" oh! No need to! They already know." She said and then she threw a magazine at me and ran off. On the front page was me holding Harry's hand wearing his big jacket. Harry saw it too. "Are you mad?" I asked with my eyes still practically glued to the magazine. "If course not! I don't mind." He said hugging me. And then he drove back to the apartment and when we got there there was crowds of people with cameras. One word only.


(Authors note) what do you guys think?comment below what you think should happen OR what you liked about this story! Oh and please get other people to read this book! It's only got like 8 reads lol

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