Chapter5:over nighter

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"Come one in haz!" I yelled as Harry walked through the apartment door, but then I noticed he was holding Someone was holding his hand coming in too! I screamed and ran into the corner because I only had my boxers on and they were carebear too. But I did have to admit the girl was kinda pretty, nice job hazza.


The sight of Louis completely freak out was pretty funny but who's the girl holding Harry's hand? "Ello." I said hoping Harry would explain. "Oh Louis,liam,Niall,Zayn...this is Jazmen. I saw she was looking for something so I was going to offer to help but then se fainted and eventually I found a purple bag and there was needles for diabetics inside so I injected a needle into her. And soon she woke up and then she didn't have a car and I wanted to show you guys her. Harry said looking at us and then looking in Jazmen's sparkling eyes. "Oh. Thank goodness he found you." I said.

"Yea I know. I'm so happy he did" she said responding. "Oh! How rude, would you like some pizza jazz? Oh can I call you that?" I said motioning to the pizza boxes.

"Oh sure. I love pizza and yea go ahead call me whatever you want."


"So do you like around here jazz?" I asked biting into my pizza slice.

" no..I'm only staying with my horrible aunt Lucy for a few months."

" oh..that's too bad. What's wrong with your aunt?" Niall asked grabbing three more slices of pizza and putting them on his plate which had already two slices on it. " he treats me bad, she's nice to my sister but makes me sleep outside in a shed and makes me eat leftovers and whenever I'm out she decided to order pizza and it's gone when I get home. And not to mention her stupid boyfriend is coming to stay with her for a bit and he Hates me. But I don't wanna talk about him anymore." Jazmen said starring at her feet and then tears formed in her eyes. She excused herself and went to the bathroom I followed after her and went into the bathroom with her. "Jazmen don't cry, talk to me.' He said as he wrapped his arms around me and stoked my hair. " he hates me. Sometimes he spits on me just for fun and when my aunt is out he sometimes slaps me for no reason and my sister never sees it she just thinks I'm lying. I hate him and he's there now...and I have to go home tonght." She said crying more and then we both sat on the counter I was still holding her and she held me." It's okay it's okay. Ill make sure he won't be mean and spit on you and stuff. And you can stay the night here." I said letting go if her and looked in her eyes. "Really? But where would I sleep? You can come in my room. I sleep on one end you sleep on the other or if you don't like feet of course you can sleep on a mattress." I said smiling. " mattress please, haha I don't really like feet." She said smiling but when she did she covered her mouth. Why does she always cover her mouth when she smiles or laughs?" Why do you cover your mouth?" I asked. " because the bully's at my school say I have an ugly smile so I always cover my mouth." She said still covering her mouth. I took her Hand off her mouth and told her she had a beautiful smile and I loved it and then I kissed her cheek. After we left the room and had more pizza now that she felt better

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