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Harry's POV

After our little tickle war Louis and Niall left and sleepy head Zayn came into the living room. The first thing he did was take the orange juice container out of the fridge and drank it, and put it back into the fridge and went back to sleep.

Jazmens's POV

"What was that ab-" I got cut off by Harry putting his finger on my lips. "Don't say anything he hates it when we talk about it." Then Harry wrapped his arms around me and we cuddles for about and hour. Cuddling with Harry was fun and we talked about stuff. "I wish I could stay but I have to go." Harry said letting go if me and getting up. "What? Why." I asked getting up. "I have to work on singing and my career..." He said. "So I'm homeless again? I should have known! You said you would stay. Make sure I'm okay." I said feeling the adrenalin in my body. I grabbed my stuff from harry's room and I stormed out of the apartment. "Jazmen wait!" Harry called running after me. He grabbed my arm and happened to spin me so that I was right on his chest. "Don't be mad. Actually my manager just called and said we've been working too hard and we can have a three month break. "Really?" I said starting into his green eyes. " yea." Harry said pulling my chin towards his and then Zayn came but harry didn't care then harry hugged me and said he wouldn't let me be homeless. Then he took me out for Ice cream! Yumm. When we got there he noticed he forgot his wallet at home and he made me order so I had to tell him there was only enough money for one come do we had to share a half vanilla and half chocolate cone. It wasn't half bad.

Harry's POV

Should I tell her? I-I mean ask her? I wondered. Okay well you only get one chance to live so mine as well make a move. I put down our icecream and looked into Jazz' eyes and said "can I ask you something?"

"Anything hazz." She said.

"Um I-I-I uh really like you and was wondering..if you would go out to dinner with me and the boys? We really like you your really funny. " I said smiling.

"Of course not harry! I would never!" Jazmen said. "We'll why no-"

"I'm just joking Harry of course ill go out with you and the boys."

Jazmens's POV

I hugged Harry and sat on his lap and finished our cone together. But then all of a sudden I saw my sister knock in the window in the car we were in. And she was knocking kinda hard, I could tell she knew I was in there and she was angry....

Found by Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now