Chapter 2 wait WHAT?!

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"Wake up Jazmen! We're landing soon." I said shaking my sister trying to wake her up. "I'm up I'm up! But I still feel a bit woozy' Jazmen said holding her head while trying to get up slowly. When she got up I noticed everyone on the plane had their eyes watching us as if we were a television. The nurse walked back to us and asked Jazmen a few questions like 'what's your name? Where do you live? Are you feeling okay? Do you know where you are?' Stuff like that. Jazmen turned out to be fine she just fainted from the cause of claustrophobia and was lucky she didn't bump her head or she would have had amnesia.


I clutched my head feeling dizzy trying to stop the room from spinning. I sat down in my uncomfortable seat in the plane and looked out the window. Such a beautiful view but such a scary sight at the same time! I looked away as my stomach turned while the plane started to land. "Hang in there jazz" Kendra said putting a hand on my leg. I felt comforted but at the same time I felt my stomach knotting again. I didn't get sick but I had a huge stomach pain. When we finally got out of the plane aunt Lucy was waiting for us. "Ohh dear! You both have grown so much!" Lucy said smiling. I forced a fake smile and acted happy to see her even though I hate being around her. When we got to aunt Lucy's I put my bags down, she showed Kendra around but not me?

"Aunt lucy, where is my room?" I asked looking around the small house. I guess my aunt Lucy thought that it was funny because she started chuckling. " oh no dear, your not sleeping in the house your sleeping in the shed!" At first I thought that horrid woman was joking but she wasn't se expected me to sleep in a shed out side for a month and a half! How on earth am I going to do that?! That really made me angry and I guess at the moment I just cracked.

"WHAT?! NO, NO NO! IM NOT SLEEPING IN A SHED! IM FED UP WITH THE CRAZY ARRANGEMENTS LUCY! I CAME AL THE WAY HERE TO SLEEP IN A SHED FOR A MONTH AND A HLAF?!" My face turned a bright red and I clenched my fist while they were in my pockets as I yelled at my aunt Lucy. I don't regret saying what I said because it came from my heart. I really am angry and I hope Lucy knows it. But maybe I said it a little but too harsh because then she started to cry. Tears began to stroll down her wrinkled pink cheeks and her nose turned pink. "Why do you hate me jazmen? Where's my reapect?" I'm aunt Lucy said sobbing and walking away to her room to cry some more. I was still angry too so I left the house for a little until it was time to get ready. I wasn't really used to here so I decided to walk around for a bit and while I was I saw a crowd of screaming girls with large signs. I couldn't make out what the signs said so I decided to move closer and the signs said 'I LOVE ONE DIRECTION' or " I heart 1D." And others said names of their songs and the boys names on them. So there was a crowed of screaming girls but no boys? Hm fishy. The boys must be hiding or running away. I was in the middle of my thought when a boy with skinny jeans, sneakers,a navy blue sweater and a bow tie bumped into me and made me fall. "Oops! Sorry love!" The boy said, when I saw his face he had bluish eyes and brown curly hair with deep dimples. He grabbed my hand and helped me up and smiled. "Thank you " I said as I smiled still starring deeply into his eyes when a a girl screamed and started running after him. "Sorry! I have to go." He said running away. He looked very familiar and I put two and two together. Screaming fans? Messy curly hair, dimples and bluish eyes? It was Harry styles from one direction.

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