I Wish To Be Ugly (pt.2)

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Having the necklace, I was getting used to looking beautiful all the time. But this; this was different. My skin was contoured to perfection, and not one little blemish was present. It was pale and baby-soft and perfect, something I was not. My hair, normally auburn and loose, was chestnut but faded by the sun. It was in braids and twisted around my head, loose curls hanging around my face, but yet it still managed to look perfect.
My eyes were a crystal blue, with flecks of gold which matched the sun spots in my hair perfectly. I had long curling lashes, and the whites were impossibly white.
I was wearing a strange white cloth pinned at the shoulders with golden brooches that matched the small golden laurel wreath in my hair. Thick golden bracelets with many blue jewels circled my arms, and my body was that of a Barbie's except more perfect.
I looked like I took some kind of bath in an orb of light.
Most people spend their whole lives trying too look perfect, but I finally understood why it was overrated. Everything was too perfect, so I looked like a mythical character instead of a person. I felt salty tears sliding down my delicate features complete with high cheekbones and Kylie Jenner lips and into the fountain.
I opened my mouth to speak to no one in particular, but when my lips moved the voice that spoke wasn't mine.


Tyler stood above me, his face twisted with concern.
"Wha-what's wrong?" I stammered.
"Well, first of all we landed five minutes ago. But second, you were churning and groaning in your sleep. What's wrong?"
"A reoccurring dream. But why exactly is that a problem?"
"You were burning up terribly. You had a temperature of 105 and it was just getting worse."
"How do you know?," I wondered, " you didn't, like, test me in my sleep right?"
"No," he said blushing, " I don't know how, but I do."
"Apollo is a healer. Hecate said you inherited most of his powers..."
"So I'm a doctor."
"Dr. Sammy." I laughed.
Not that he was funny.
Because he wasn't. He didn't make me feel happy in any way possible, so don't get any ideas.
I'm serious.
We got off the plane and started walking around. Nashville was hot and dry, and soon enough Tyler was drenched in sweat.
I'm not sure whether it was Aphrodite making me pretty or even Hecate's refreshing mist, but whatever it was my necklace was channeling was helping.
I prayed a silent thanks to both of them for not letting me look like a broken lawn sprinkler when this was the only pair of clothes I had with me.
Eventually, I found the place I was looking for.
"Centennial Park?" Tyler asked.
I picked up a pebble and tossed it.
"Yea. I'm not sure how I remember this, but when I was little..," I squinted, trying to remember, "or something, someone...someone told me about this guy named Perseus. He went on a crazy quest or something, and it was Athena who descended from Olympus and supplied him with weapons and wisdom. Both of which we could use right about now."
I knew how crazy it sounded; heck this whole thing sounded crazy. But somehow, I was positive this was right.
Centennial Park was a huge stretch of land in front of a city with tall buildings. There were hills blanketed in grass, an assortment of ponds, and this is just what I could see. The whole place was about the size of one hundred football fields, and if you know anything about football then you know that's pretty big for a measly park.
We started walking and I noticed an exercise trail, which seemed to be right.
"This way," I said, and Tyler grunted, wiping sweat off his face with his shirt.
See? He's disgusting.
We finally wound up at the Centennial Sports Complex, and I saw what we came looking for.
"I thought the statute of Lincoln was in Washington D.C." Tyler said, sizing the building up.
"It is. But that place? Modeled after this one."
I knew this wasn't the original, but I got the funny feeling I had seen this place before. Maybe I came as a little kid?
It was the Parthenon. Weathered columns shone white and proud in the sun, supporting a slightly slanted roof that had details carved into to front that pictured an Ancient Greek war going on. Horses bucked in fury as warriors slashed and hacked and fell in agony. Chariots were toppling.
"Wow," Tyler stuttered. I'd realized I'd been so focused on the details of the building, I didn't even notice that Tyler had already climbed the stairs and peeked inside.
"Allie? You'd better come and check this out."

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