I Wish To Be Ugly (pt.1)

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The airplane freaked me out. First of all, it was one of those smaller planes that hit turbulence easily and didn't have a lot of leg room. When you're sitting next to an ADHD demigod, that makes stuff worse.
Second, I figured out that heights scared me pretty badly. I looked out the window once and silently prayed that my necklace had been in the hands of Zeus at some point. Right then of course, we hit a big patch of turbulence so either my prayer didn't work or he was laughing at me.
Getting on the plane had proved easier than I thought. I was almost positive that there was a law against giving two minors plane tickets to a foreign city, so I tried charmspeaking again. I was getting the knack of summoning Aphrodite power; it was simple one you learned to channel love. I wasn't quite sure how to channel the other powers yet, though.
The hardest problem now was knowing when I was charmspeaking. I went from talking to the person who sold us tickets to Tyler, and I didn't even realize I hadn't stopped until I noticed Tyler's eyes out of focus and that my necklace had turned an unmistakable pink.
But yea--getting two barely-teens on a small death trap to go a quarter of the way across the country? No problem.
We were both exhausted both physically and mentally, so eventually we both calmed down enough to sleep in our stiff plane seats.
My dream was worse than it had ever been before.
Once again, I stood looking into a stone fountain, gushing with clear water that shined silver in the sun and tasted sweet. This time however, I noticed all the little details that hadn't existed before; the cliffs overlooking a blue ocean, the green plush grass beneath my bare toes, a large stone palace behind me. Beyond the hill the fountain was on, the scenery was still hard to make out, but I guessed there was a small city.
The air was warm and clean, and I felt content looking into the fountain below me.
That is, until I saw my reflection.

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