I Meet An Ancient Eye Therapist (pt.2)

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She scowled. When she opened her mouth I fully expected her to yell at us for talking and sentence us to another year of detention--your typical teacher strategy--but all she did was sigh.
"No, I don't suppose she is able to see. She has the eyes and body of a mortal, curse it, for she possesses a quite divine mind," she seemingly recited. I sat down in shock, realizing I was turning as pale as Tyler. Who was this woman? She spoke as if she had existed since the begging of time, but she didn't look older than maybe 30. And what was this talk of not being able to see and a divine mind? I hoped it was something glasses could fix.
The woman seemed to read my mind.
"Before we begin our proper introductions, it is necessary to give Allie here a gift." She opened her palm and there was a necklace.
It wasn't the most expensive as necklaces go, certainly not one worthy of a divine mind such as my own, but it was interesting. It was a jagged chunk of amethyst secured on a gold chain. This wasn't interesting, of course, I got one just like it from an American History museum for ten dollars. (made in China) The interesting part was that the inside glowed with a million colors I didn't even know existed, all forming patterns and trying to break out.
"Take it," she ordered, " and you can be closer to your fate. Be warned- it is a gift of the gods, the amethyst plucked from the garden of Persephone in Hades' realm, the chain forged by Hephaestus as an appeasement to his wife, stolen by Ares, finally winding its way to me to be enchanted. It contains great power."
Much to my dismay I felt my hands grabbing the necklace and fastening it around my neck. Suddenly the world blurred and I saw what had Tyler so scared. The room was filling with a white mist, which is what felt so refreshing earlier. It dawned on me that the mist was radiating off of the teacher (or whoever the heck she was) and that it felt alive--magic.
The part of my head that was good for getting stumped in math was working overtime, burning pretty badly, like it was saying "Allie, dude, I'm sorry but I can't comprehend this stuff. Isn't there some kind of manual? So You Figure Out You've Been Blind..."

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