The Downed Dragon

Start from the beginning

"Look the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not."

"I just wanna be one of you guys," Hiccup said solemnly as he opened the door to his house and slipped inside. He ran out the back door immediately afterwards.

Gobber sighed, turning to his girls. "Lyrhia, keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Lyrhia scoffed. "Good luck with that one." Regardless, she followed Hiccup inside and managed to catch up to him before he disappeared into the woods.

Gobber looked at Kara. "Kara, you get back to the shop. I'll be by after the village is cleaned up. I have a feeling Stoick will want my help." With that, he walked away, leaving Kara standing there glaring after him. She turned to go back to the shop, but noticed the Vikings heading into the Great Hall for a meeting. Kara looked back at Gobber before running towards the Hall.


"Either we finish them or they'll finish us!" Stoick said from the table around the firepit in the center of the Hall. "It's the only way we'll be rid of them! If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. They'll find another home!" He stabbed his knife into the map that lay on the table, right over the clouds marked as Hellheim's Gate. "One more search, before the ice sets in."

"Those ships never come back," Hoark said from across the table. Many of the other Vikings murmured in agreement.

"We're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard. Now who's with me?"

No one answered, either murmuring excuses or just staying quiet.

"Alright," Stoick stood up straight. "Those who stay will look after Hiccup."

Every hand shot into the air, all voicing agreements of "To the ships!" and "I'm with you, Stoick!"

"That's more like it," Stoick said, and with a wave of his hand he dismissed the assembly. He walked over to Gobber, who had been sitting at a table with a mug of ale attached to his stump arm.

"Right," Gobber said, turning to Stoick. "I'll pack my undies."

Kara snickered softly from up on the rafters. She lay on her stomach, watching both the meeting and the conversation that started between Gobber and Stoick.

"No, I need you to stay and train some new recruits," Stoick said, walking around the table to where Gobber sat and sitting beside him.

"Oh perfect, yeah and while I'm busy, Hiccup can cover the stall. Molten steel, razor-sharp blades, lots of time to himself, alone with my girls... what could possibly go wrong?" He took a sip form his mug.

Stoick sighed as the door to the Hall closed, leaving the two men alone at their table as everyone else had left. "What am I gonna do with him, Gobber?"

"Put him in training with the others," Gobber said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kara grimaced. She knew what went on in Dragon Training; sometimes people didn't even come out alive.

"No I'm serious," Stoick said.

"So am I."

"He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage." Apparently Stoick voiced Kara's thoughts for her.

"Oh you don't know that." Gobber simply waved him off.

"I do know that."

"No you don't."

"No actually, I do."

"No you don't!"

"Listen, you know what he's like." Stoick stood up and started pacing behind Gobber. "From the time he could crawl, he's been... different."

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