Through the Cracked Door (Phan fiction *sexual*)

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The night was coming along as my eyes became heavier and heavier. The apartment was silent and peaceful. As my eyes started to flutter close, I hear small little pants coming from the room next to me. 'What is phil doing'? My curiosity ran stronger through my mind. I stood up, out of my bed, and walked into the quiet hallway. Soon Phils groans began to fill the hallway.

I looked over to see his door was cracked open. I knew it was wrong to invade his privacy but, I was to curious to think about it. When I scaned through the crack of the door my eyes disobeyed me. Shock went through my mind as my jaw hit the floor. Phil was palming himself, infront of his phone. His hand was creased around his erection and his head was tilted back, stareing at the ceiling. With his free hand, he held his phone while looking at the image every so often. What was he looking at? How long has he been masturbating and I never realized it?

Soon enough his pants became soft moans. I could tell he was trying to be quiet, but he failed miserably. Phil began going faster with his palming and his back became arching more. I could feel my pants getting tighter so I just ignored it and went back to Phil.

After moments, his soft moans began louder and louder. I couldnt help but go in there and help him, but i couldnt. It was wrong. Me doing this, watching him and getting turned on, was wrong. His hand was going faster and faster. As he took the last look at his phone he let out a loud moan, im guessing his orgasm. His breath began to become thin and his chest was breathing up and down.

I turned around and sprinted back to my room. What did i just watch? I closed the door slowly so phil wouldnt know i was awake. I fell onto the bed looked down at my erection. Why did he do this to me? I layed on my bed and closed my eyes. Images of phils hard member kept roaming through my mind. I knew i couldnt keep all this emotion inside of me. My hand slowly traveles down to my waist and soon to my hard member. I palmed myself off to the prevous events that i had watched and soon fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes as the sun shined brightly through my blindes. It wasnt soon enough that Phil came to my mind. Was it a dream that happened last night? It mustve been. I would never jerk off to-... I looked down to my stained pants and hand inside my pajama pants. Maybe it did...

I walked into the bathroom and washed my face with cold water. 'Okay Dan just calm down. Dont try and seem to obvious that you watched your best mate palm himself off. I wonder what he was looking at that made him so excited?' I walked into the kitchen to see Phil eating his special cereal.

"Hey Dan, whats up?" I looked into his eyes trying to seem as not guilty as possible.

"Uh- good. Just alittle tired."

"Oh okay, well im going to go out to starbucks if you want-"

"No no im fine" Phil gave me a strange look and just nodded his head. He walked off to the door and i may or may not have stared at his butt the hole time.

I looked over to see Phils phone on the counter. He must have forgotten it. I wonder if he still had the picture up from what he did last night? I took his phone and unlocked it. His password being "Buffy" ofcourse.

My eyes were practicly blown out of their sockets. The picture he had been using was nothing I wouldve thought of in a million years. There was me, in my boxers, posing like I knew he was taking a picture. Maybe he took this in the morning when i wasnt paying attention. Phil was.... jerking off to.. me? This left a million questions in my mind.

Phil soon came back as i was sitting on the couch, watching adventure time, trying to get my mind off of things.

"Hey you okay?" he said worringly.

"Yeah, just feel lazy today"

"okay, we can just have an in-bed day if you'd like"

The word 'in-bed' made me shutter. I wanted to be with him in that bed. Give him more than just a picture. But as much as i did, I couldnt. It was wrong.

Soon enough the night came along and Phil and I went to our rooms for the night. Again, laying in my bed hearing the moans of phil in the night. I wanted to get up so bad to see him pleasure himself. Soon, i couldnt resist the temptation and walked out into the hallway, to his door. The door was cracked again and i slipped my eyes into it.

There he was, laying naked on the bed. He was rubbing up and down his thighs, as if he was waiting for something, or someone. He grabbed his enormous erection and tilted his head back. Damn did I love seeing him this way. Ofcouse sweet phil was adorable but this side of phil was hot and sexy. I couldnt stand the warm feeling inside of my stomach so i walked over into my room and layed on the bed.

I looker over into my drawer and got out a blue dildo and knew i needed this. I relaxed my body and began palmimg off. As soon as I was hard, I slowly stuck in the dildo into my entrance. Images of phil ran through my mind and made me even more harder. I moaned out phils name and felt my climax begin to form. I wanted phil inside of me so bad but this was going to have to do for the moment. A warm feeling was at the pit of my stomach and my moans became increasingly louder. Moments went by and i came all over my hand.


Its been a week since the first time I watched Phil jerk off and everyday since i had watched. It was beginning to become increasingly unhealthy to be watching him so much but I could help myself.

Night soonly came and I awaited in my room. I waited for phils moans to start, and for me to sneek out to watch. The moans began and a smirk devolped on my face. Show Time. I walked out to the hallway and as always his door was cracked open.

This time he seemed so much more hornier and didnt have his cell phone for pleasure. His body was fully naked and he layed there rubbing his thighs.

"Dan are you just going to stand out there, or come help me with this boner?"

My eyes widened and guilt flushed across my face.

"I uh-didnt mean-" he cut me off and walked up to me at the door.

"I know you've been watching me howell. Now come on and let me show you a good time". Phil took my hand and guided me to his bed.

He threw me on the mattress and began tugging on my sweatpants.

"You like that howell?" my member became harder as his fingers danced across my lower half. I couldnt let words out and just replies with a 'mmhmm' and let him continue. Phil traced his hand across my torso, which sent shivers down my spin.

My member was throbbing for attention and it seemed phil knew that. He teased it, by rubbing my thighs and biting my neck harshly. Sharp moans excaped my lips as the fabric of my sweatpants traced down my rock hard member. Tonight i decided to not wear a shirt to bed, and i am so glad i did that. Phil flicked his tongue across my nipple, which made me squirm with pleasure.

"Do you liked being teased Howell?" he smirkes with achievment. I squealed with unsatisfactory. I needed phils mouth on me and he knew I wanted it. Phil trailed down to my v line and licked my length.

"P-phil p-please" I arched my back as I felt his lips around my tip. My breath began to hitch and he was taking more of me into his mouth. The sensations I felt were intoxicating. His head was bobbing up and down on my mate, and I've never been more turned on. Ofcourse having my Flat Mate sucking on my dick was wrong but it felt so right.

"Ph-il I'm c-close" my back was still arched as a warm sensation filled my stomach. Soon, i couldnt hold it in anymore. I hit my climax, letting out all the warm liquid that was in my stomach. I finally found my breath as I seen phil has swallowed everything I let out.

"Youre cute when you come" I smiles and kissed his lips. He kisses me back and I spent the rest of the night nesseled against Phils chest. His arm creased around me, which made me feel extremely comfortable.

"Phil, thanks" i blushed to myself.

"No thanks needed, but a favor will be in hand tomorrow night Howell." I smiled as I knew what will happen tomorrow. And I was so looking forward to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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