Solitary Illusion

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Nothing is real anymore

We're held by a lie, that we'll die alone again

It's seeping in my skin, Blinded

It's seeping in my skin, Blinded

It's blinding us all!


We'll find a way, a way to overcome

to overcome, this solitary illusion  


Break the skin 

Until there is nothing left

Now it's just you and me and this solitary illusion

We'll fall down together


You'll see a bloody ending 

I'm here to help you

Help you see the truth of this

I'll never leave you alone again




We'll find a way, a way to overcome

to overcome, this solitary illusion

We'll find a way to overcome this! Together!


I won't bring myself down again, you're just like them all

Together! We'll find a way to overcome this solitary illusion!


We will not fail! No... We will never fail you!


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