I sighed a deep sigh.

"Bro...I miss Mom."

He looked so...sad, almost like a lost child. He looked at me and then back at the skyline and continued, "I miss all those times when we were an actual, a real family."

His words came out so strained and his voice became so soft, so...weak at the end. I felt the same pang of hurt, almost the same pain a child goes through when he sees his mother lying so pale and lifeless in a coffin, but displaying all of my emotions has never been an option for me. Whereas for Zane, he came out to me as my small brother and I knew what I needed to do at this moment.

I patted his shoulder and looked at the beautiful skyline, reminiscing all those happy moments we had had as a family. Remembering all the times we had spent with our parents, with our Mom.

"Mom." I thought

I have so much going on inside me at the very moment that I can't even separate the feelings. Love, hurt, anger, pain, empathy and finally nostalgia and Iris and Zane and Mom.

"Me too..." I started, "If mom would have been alive, things would have been so different. Don't you think?" I said looking at Zane.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Things would have been different on an entire different level. Then we wouldn't have to live like this...like the way we are living right now. Dad wouldn't have been like this, escaping from the reality. You wouldn't have been like this bro. You wouldn't have to work so hard to compensate for Dad's absence and Sarah's betrayal. If mom would have been alive, you wouldn't have to go through it alone." He stated.

"Sarah's betrayal has nothing to do with this. Its just that it happened and the truth came out at the wrong time, Zane. And let's not talk about it..." I said looking at the dark sky.

"But bro, you loved her and she...damn it, she betrayed you." He said.

"Zane..." I hissed.

I knew this was the wrong time to get angry at Zane for something that was the truth of my life but I couldn't forget that and moreover I just couldn't forget that it was partially the betrayal that made me what I am today. Nonetheless, I couldn't forget that memory; that day when I found the truth. That memory was imprinted on my brain for maybe...forever?

"Heeeeyyyy...baby." She said.

"Hey!" I had said.

"Where are you?"
She had asked sounding cheerful.

"At my mother's funeral." I had vaguely replied not eliminating the hint of annoyance from my voice.

"Sorry baby, I couldnt make it..."

"Its okay."

No freaking way, it's not okay.
When in reality, nothing was actually okay. My world was like, not on tracks. My life was totally gone insanely crazy. In just two days with Mom being gone, my family had become dysfunctional and was falling with each moment, not that it wasn't falling before but my Mom had tried her best to compensate for Dad's disappearance yet my family was so broken at the moment. So many people were coming to pay their condolences to us. They told us to be strong and be hopeful. They told us how good of a lady my mother was. Zane was not even listening and at most times, he was in tears. He had said, there's no need to stand here and listen to all those strangers say good things about our Mom when actually, they hardly knew her. He however, had a point and forced me to his room after the burial. And we had spent the rest of the day there.

"Baby, I need some cash..."

"Okay. My credit card is in the second drawer beneath my books..."

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