Chapter 25

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry we haven't been updating, school and stuff has kept us really busy. But we are back with yet another chapter and we are really exited to be publishing it. So please remember to comment and vote.

Goal: maybe 10 votes, that would be amazing! We are bringing in some new characters so get ready to remember some old people. If you forgot who these people are then just go back to earlier chapters and read all about them. The link to Nat's clothes are here, the picture thing wouldn't let me post it .

Hope you like yet another chapter. Enjoy

Doublecharms xxx


oh shoot me,

Someone's coming.

"What are you doing?"


Natasha's POV

"Talia? What are you doing in the closet?" Charlotte asked me, her perfect eyebrow raised at my current situation.

"Nothing, I actually like it here. It's cosy." I said. I'm not lying, it is really comfy.

"Okay... Well me and Maddie are heading down into town, we wanted to go and get something to eat. You want to come?" Charlotte replied.

"Sure, but not Greggs or Nandos, i've already been there like 3 times this month." I said, rubbing my stomach as I heaved myself out of the closet, gosh, i'm really unfit.

"Really, me too." She said, obviously shocked.

'Okay, I'm  going to get changed into something else. You can just wait for me by the bus stop. I'll only be a minute." 

"Okay, but hurry up!" and with that she walked out of the room.

I walked to my closet and picked out my outfit. 

My extremely comfy fall out boy crop top, my ripped skinny jeans, a Victoria Secret pink, light sweater and my cute maroon round scarf.

For my shoes, I put on my gorgeous black and white sneakers from Nike and I paired it with my Kate Spade purple cross body. Then I tied my hair into a side fishtail braid. 

I applied some concealer and mascara. Then I put on my beautiful, pink lipstick from Chanel. 

I grabbed my wallet, phone, umbrella, earphones, dorm keys and dorm pass. 


I run to my bed and grab my suitcase, I pick out 2 sharp knives (with the cover on) and 1 gun, loaded with about 20 bullets. 

You can never be too safe.

I locked the door to the dorm and I ran down to the bus stop.

"Finally, you took like 10 minutes!" Maddie shouted at me when I was running to the bus stop. 

"Sorry, jeez!" I panted

We looked up to find the bus approaching us. I pull put 50p and hold it in my hand. 

The bus stops with a screech and we all pile on.

"Hey, does anyone have 50p for me? I only have 20p..." Charlotte sheepishly asked us. 

"Yeah, I've got 1 pound. You are paying me back." I said. Charlotte made an x on her heart. I cracked a small smile and paid the 1 pound.

I feel bad that I'm lying to them, the people who don't try to kill me, are my best friends, and they don't even know who I am in real life.

I place my headphones into the jack of my phone, and i stick the earphone part in my ears. One in, one out, so I can hear everyone. I open Spotify and turn onto my playlist. The first song that comes on is Uma Thurman by fall out boy. I silently hum to the beat. 

Most people ask me why I always listen to music. 

It's because music is my saviour, I need it, without it i'd probably be a hot mess. Crying and screaming everywhere, eating McDonalds and Nandos everyday. Not bothering of that ketchup stain that I got yesterday on my shoulder is now on my hair.

"Talia? It's time to get off now." Maddie says beside me.

I hum in response.  I close Spotify down and shut my phone off, turning the ringer onto the highest level. Then I wrap my headphones into a neat ball and place it in my bag. Whilst my phone is in the pocket of my jeans. As the bus comes to a stop I grab my bag and money and walk to the front of the bus. 

I pay the 1 pound, grab my umbrella and step off the bus, Maddie and Charlotte standing behind me. Yeah, it started to pour down. 

We walk until I see a familiar face.


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