Chapter 10

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A/N: Hi! Sorry we haven't been posting so lately, thank you for all your votes and positive comments! We really enjoy writing this book so far! Give us some ideas if you have any.

Doublecharms Xxx

"So rumor has it that you and Elliot, in the same room." Ariana wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

"That is so romantic. Are you guys going to the dance together?" Bethany squeals.

Oh my gosh! I forgot about the dance, it's tonight!

"Um... Yes and no. I was then we got into a fight and now we aren't." I mumble

"How cute, you had your first fight already?" Bethany jumps out of her bed and walks toward mine.

"You are still going right?" Ariana follows Bethany.

I shake my head,"I don't think so, Larissa, you aren't going too. So maybe we can hangout."

"No, no, no, no, no." Bethany hits herself in the head every time she says no. "You both are coming if you like it or not."

She grabs the three costumes and handed each of us one. "Please come or I will make your lives horrible here."

We both nodded and put on our costumes.

Not to brag but I thought my costume was the best - Quinn the cheerleader from Glee. I was so cute with my in a high ponytail and my make. My eyeliner was winged and my eye shadow was smokey eye. I looked Hat.

As Larissa came out with her costume and make up, Bethany and I both had to hold our laughter in.

"You." we both stared at her. "Look good!" And we couldn't hold it in any longer, we started bursting out laughing.

"What? It looks cute!" She pointed at her ninja costume.

I guess she didn't look at the mirror. First, she suit is too small that you can see her hairy legs. Second, what she didn't know is that Bethany had cut a huge hole in the back making us see her back from the neck to her underwear.


We are heading to the party, but it was just me and Ariana, Bethany and Beth's date Julian.

Finally, I am alone with Ariana. I have some explaining to do...

"Larissa?" I sat at the bench closest to us in the park.

"Call me Ariana." She sat down too.

"I am so sorry I came here. I know I was told I am not allowed to be here but being a..." I stop there to look around and sighed. "a spy is my life. I have nothing else to do. I'm not good at anything else. This is my only hope in life and I can't have it."

"I know why you came from the day you came." she told me calmly.

"So you told the BSO headquarters right?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I escaped from the headquarters to be here." she nodded.

"No. I won't tell the BSO." she said firmly.

"No? But I thought you hated me!" I was confused. Why was she being so nice?

"It was your decision to come here, I can't stop that. And you will have to face the consequences in the end and so even if I don't stop you or do, they will still find you and you will be in trouble."


"Thanks, I appreciate everything that you are doing for me." I mumble.

She embraces me in a hug.

The only thing I can think of is why...


Bethany's POV

It is already 11:00 at night and the dance ends in 1 hour , I still can't find Larissa and Talia. They have been missing for about 2 hours now.

What is taking them so long? Oh My Gosh, if I am late and don't even get to dance I am going to kill them.

And finally, I see them.

"Hey! What took you so long?" I shout when they are at the right distance.

"Sorry, I had second thoughts about my earrings so I asked Talia to help me." Ariana said smoothly

"Really? 2 hours for earrings?" I say, "that is the worst excuse ever, but never mind."

We all walked in the dance and when we walked in the whole room went silent.

"Hey Babe!" I hear my boyfriend of two days shout.

"Hiya Julian." I giggle.

"So you look nice tonight."

"Thanks, same back to you!" I reply, linking our arms together and making a bee-line towards the table of punch.


Ariana's POV

I didn't really mind not having a date, but I knew that Natasha was hurt when she saw how Bethany acted in front of her date and forgetting about us.

As Bethany and Julian make their way to the punch table. I see Elliot, with a date! Natasha is going to be so mad!

I quickly pull her away from the scene.

"Um... I think we should go now." I pushed her towards the door when...

"Okay everyone, it's time to announce the queen and king of the dead! Haha not actually but of the Halloween Dance" Mr Siol (pronounced sole)

She turns around but I couldn't stop her.

She stares at him.


Natasha's POV

I see Elliot.

He is not alone.

I just want to run away now, but my legs won't listen and continued walking towards the stage.

"Talia. Please." As I pass by Elliot. I shove in over and bounces backward.

As move towards Alec, it seems like he doesn't have a date. "So who did you come with?" I ask him while looking around.

"I got 10 dates and they all left me when they found out about me going with so many people, anyways, I heard about what happened to you and Elliot. He didn't mean it." I frown, he was suppose to be on my side.

"People from the dead! We are about to announce the queen and king of the dead and they shall dance together, remember the teachers chose the student who won."

He opens the piece of paper but all I can think of is Elliot with that girl. That must be the girl thy were talking about in the toilet...

"Talia Reid as queen!"

"What?! Me queen, chosen by teachers." I point at myself "No, there must be a mistake..."

The teacher ignores me and continues, "the king is... Alec Rider!"

Alec grabs my hand and pulls me towards the centre of the dance hall. "Shall we?"

This is not a formal, proper dance.

Everyone who knows me knows that I hate dancing especially in front of crowds...

But I can make Elliot jealous which is good. So I take it, I take Alec's hand and we dance to the music, again not a ballroom dance.

This will make him mad all right!

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