The only girls on the island who will get within ten feet of me are Gobber's adoptive twins, Kara and Lyrhia. Gobber's wife was abducted by Outcasts and she returned with newborn Lyrhia, saying the chief forced her to have his children then threatened to kill all of them when the baby turned out to be twin girls. Lyrhia grew up here under Gobber's care, and we've been friends for as long as I can remember. Kara was forced to spend the first nine years of her life raised by her abusive father. She showed up on Berk's shores one day and she's been with us ever since. Although, she's not the most... forthcoming of people, and much of her past is still a mystery, even to her own sister.

"We move to the lower defenses," Stoick ordered one of his men. "We'll counter-attack with the catapults."

Immediately men started organizing catapults, but it didn't stop a Monstrous Nightmare from setting a house on fire. Someone called "FIRE!" and five teenagers ran over to the water trough, filling buckets to put out the fires.

Oh and that's Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and... Astrid.

Hiccup watched from the shop window as the teens threw water on the fire, only for another blast to be caused behind them. Hiccup watched dreamily as Astrid and the others walked towards the forge, seemingly in slow motion. Behind him, Kara snickered to herself and Lyrhia rolled her eyes. Hiccup had a habit of losing his mind whenever Astrid was around, even though she'd expressed her disinterest on more than one occasion.

Hiccup pretended to be doing something as the other teens passed, then almost crawled out the window to follow them. Gobber caught him before he could, and pulled him away from the window.

"Oh come on, let me out, please," Hiccup begged. "I need to make my mark!"

"Oh you've made plenty of marks," Gobber said. "All in the wrong places."

"Please, two minutes. I'll kill a dragon, my life will get infinitely better... I might even get a date!"

"Here we go again," Lyrhia muttered as Kara rolled her eyes.

Gobber started counting off on his fingers as he spoke. "You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing an axe, you can't even throw one of these!" He lifted a bola with his good hand, which was promptly stolen by another Viking just outside the window and thrown at a Gronckle, wrapping around its legs and bringing it down.

"Okay but this will throw it for me." Hiccup patted something that looked like a covered wooden wheelbarrow, but suddenly it sprung to life and fired a bola out the window, hitting a Viking in the face. Had Kara not ducked as she walked past, she would have had her head taken off.

"See now this right here is what I'm talking about!" Gobber said as he walked over to Hiccup.

"Mild calibration issue," Hiccup tried to say, only to be drowned out by Gobber.

"Hiccup," said the blacksmith, "if you ever want to get out there and fight dragons, you need to stop all... this." He gestured at Hiccup's slim form.

"But you just pointed to all of me," Hiccup said.

"Yes, that's it. Stop being all of you."

"Yeah that's real helpful there, Dad," Lyrhia shot over her shoulder as she handed weapons to the Vikings lined up at the shop's service window.

"You sir are playing a dangerous game," Hiccup threatened, not sounding very threatening at all. "Keeping this much... raw... Vikingness... contained? There will be consequences!"

"I'll take my chances," Gobber said, not even phased as he dropped a sword into Hiccup's spindly arms. "Sword, sharpen, now."

One day I'll get out there. Because killing a dragon is everything around here. A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those will definitely get me a girlfriend. A Zippleback? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status.

"They found the sheep!" someone called to Stoick, who was standing atop a watchtower, manning a catapult.

"Concentrate fire over the lower banks!" Stoick called back just as the bottom of the tower began to catch fire.

Then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire.

"Reload!" Stoick yelled to the other men. "I'll take care of this." He whacked the Nightmare's head repeatedly with its hammer, but after a few swings it looked up at the sky and flew away to attack another tower.

But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen. They call it the--

"Night Fury!" someone called, hearing the screech that always preceded a blast from the infamous dragon of the night.

"Get down!" yelled another, throwing his shield over his head. The others around him did the same, just as the catapult exploded in fire, the shadow of a dragon visible for a split second before disappearing.

"JUMP!" Stoick yelled to the other Vikings on the catapult tower, leaping off the tower and landing on the ground below.

This thing never steals food, never shows itself and... never misses. No one has ever killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm gonna be the first.

Gobber attached an axe arm to the metal connecting piece on his stump arm. "Hiccup, Lyrhia, man the fort. They need me out there."

"I noticed my name was not on that list," Kara said tiredly from her weapon-repair station.

"That's because you're coming with me," Gobber said simply.

Kara sighed in exasperation, pulling her sword from the sheath at her hip.

Gobber hobbled to the door then glanced back at Hiccup. "Stay. Put. There." Hiccup just looked at him as if he wasn't paying attention at all. "You know what I mean." He yelled out a war cry as he left, dragging a reluctant Kara with him.

Almost immediately, Hiccup ran towards his wheelbarrow contraption.. He traded his apron for his vest and immediately ran outside, pushing the wheelbarrow with him.

"Hiccup!" Lyrhia yelled from the service window, along with other angry Vikings.

"Yeah, I know!" Hiccup called over his shoulder. "Be right back!" He ran through the chaos of the village, heading for a secluded cliff away from the fighting. With a grunt, he opened the wheelbarrow, and a bola-firing contraption sprang to life, aimed at a catapult. "Come on," Hiccup whispered to himself. "Gimme something to shoot at, gimme something to shoot at."

All was quiet for a moment, then he heard it. The screech of the Night Fury as it banked towards the catapult tower. Hiccup could just barely make out the shadow of the dragon as it flew against the starry night. He looked through the peephole he had installed in the Mangler for aiming, and waited until after the Night Fury had blown up the catapult before firing. The force knocked him onto his back, and he just barely managed to catch a glimpse of the screeching Night Fury as it plummeted towards the ground, far away from the village.

"Oh I hit it," he said in amazement as he got to his feet. "Yes I hit it! Did anybody see that?!" Behind him, a Monstrous Nightmare crushed the Mangler beneath its foot, snarling at Hiccup. Hiccup slowly turned around, his shoulders hunching in disappointment. "Except for you."

Stoick looked up from where he was holding down a Nadder in the village, hearing Hiccup's high-pitched scream as the Nightmare chased him into the chaos. He sighed in exasperation. "Do not let them escape!" he yelled over his shoulder as he ran to Hiccup's aid. The boy had hidden behind a firepit tower pole, which the Nightmare had promptly breathed fire at. Stoick distracted the Nightmare, avoiding being torched alive as the dragon was out of fire. "You're all out," he said as he kicked the dragon's face, driving it off.

Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know.

Stoick turned to Hiccup as the wooden pole collapsed, sending the flaming bowl rolling through the village and destroying various things. It rolled over the dragons' net, releasing them and allowing them to fly off with their prey--also known as the Viking's livestock.

"Sorry, Dad."

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