Chapter 5: Ahhhhh... FRICK ME

Start from the beginning

"Looks like we have a shy one on our hands, looks like we have to get her out of her shell." Wade jokes as he walks over and hugs me. I just laugh as Bob hugs me too.

"What's first on the agenda?" Nellie jumps up and down with excitement. I check my watch, 9:14pm. Hmmm...

"How about we make a video?" Mark suggests as he brings in a duffel bag. "I totally didn't come prepared or anything..." He trails off and rubs the back of his neck.

"We can go into the girl cav- I mean my gaming room." I blush and quickly lead the way. As soon as I open the door Nellie rushes in and jumps on the sofa, Wade and Bob help Mark set up and I shut the door behind everyone. "Who wants a drink? I have alcohol?"

"Get us all a beer." Nellie responds for everyone and I look over to see them nod in agreement. I walk down the stairs and I open the fridge to take out 5 cans of beer, I set them on the counter. After closing the fridge I stuff some under my arms and a couple in my hands. I walk up the stairs, making it almost to the top but I end up tripping over my other foot and I fall down the slippy wooden stairs. Damn these fluffy panda socks. I check for any obvious injuries but nothing seems to be major, I see the cans scattered around me and I see the door to the girl cave open. I stand up and I brush myself off embarrassingly as Mark stands in front of me and everyone watches at the top of the stairs.

"Are you oka-" I cut Mark off.

"I just tripped down the stairs, I'm okay. It wasn't that big of a fall." I make my way to the kitchen to take some paracetamol while Mark follows me.

"Clumsy, I wondered what that bang was." Mark snakes his arms around my waist as I take a sip of water. I gulp the pills down and I lean into Mark's grip, feeling relaxed.

"That's just part of my package," I shrug as Mark helps me pick the cans back up. We make or way into the room but I make Mark go in first. I see people give me concerned looks and I just smile brightly at them which seems to make then happy.

I flop onto the sofa next to Nellie as I hand her a beer while cracking my can open and taking a sip. My face immediately scrunches up as I realize this was the beer I bought for testing but found it horrible, it was way too bitter for my taste but it'll do.

"You are such a baby!" Nellie pokes me in the side as she takes a big gulp of hers.

"Calm down, don't wanna choke and die now." I poke her belly this time and we just giggle at our stupidness. We both feel the couch dip down and I see Wade has sat next to me, with a can in hand.

"How's it going ladies?" I look at Nellie and she smiles kindly and shrugs.

"Fine, could you hurry up though. Cough Mark, Bob Cough," She replies, loud enough for Bob and Mark to hear, yet she said the words cough instead of fake coughing.

"Do you wanna help?" Mark asks and the room goes silent. "Thank you, now shut up."

I look over to my computer screen to see them downloading again.

"If you screw up my computer I will smack you so hard." I grunt as I take another small sip of my drink.

"Ooooh, kinky. Maybe you can try that on me later." Mark winks in my direction and it makes me blush, so I quickly change my words.

"What? Smack you in the balls? Sure!" I stand up and began to walk over to him and he begins to crouch a little while creating a shield with his hands. I just walk back to see Nellie has stretched out on the sofa with her feet on Wade's lap, so I lay on the fluffy rug beneath their feet. After making myself comfy I soon feel two pairs of feet resting on my back.

"Well, I didn't know I was a foot stall." I comment as I check my social media. A random pillow falls from above so I grab it to lean on while I check wattpad. I see the story I last read is still open, it's a fanfiction called 'Teasing Mr.Fischbach' {Real story and I really like it.... XD DON'T ASK} and its a very raunchy one indeed. I guess I fell asleep and it stopped in a middle of a sex scene. It's a Reader x Markiplier and with one quick glance I see Wade abd Nellie had began to watch TV so I begin to catch up to the story line and I re-read the sex scene. After about 5 minutes the sex scene was still happening and I have began to raise my feet in the air and quietly screech at romantic and awkward parts. Right now it was in Marks point of view.

I read a sentence and it says "I pulled her onto my hard erect...'" wait I think I'm getting way too into this. Did I imagine Mark saying this. I suddenly feel a breath on the back of my neck and I turn my head to see Mark smirking at me, I instantly turn red and bury my head into the pillow. Oh god.... oh god. How long has he been there? HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN THERE AND WATCHED ME READING SEXUAL FANFICTION ABOUT HIM?!?!?

I quickly lock my phone and hide it under my body as Mark kneels beside me.

Oh... Jesu- You know what?... OH, FOR FUCKS SAKE!

This can't be real... {Markiplier and FNAF fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now