Chapter 6- An Unexpected Visit (Ava)

Start from the beginning

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I ducked out of my room, brushing off my jeans one final time before rushing downstairs where all of the guests were arriving.

I had spent the whole day with Fred and George, arranging decorations for the garden and setting out the tables so that there were enough seats for everybody.

I dashed downstairs, smiling when I spotted Hagrid making his way out into the garden.

"You alright, Ava?" Hagrid smiled, and I nodded quickly, starting to talk to him when I caught sight of Remus behind him, looking rather unhappy.

"I'll be with you in a bit, Hagrid. Sorry, I just need to-"

I weaved my way through the crowd towards Remus and Tonks, who was grinning so much she appeared to be positively glowing. Remus did not share the same expression.

"Ava!" Tonks threw her arms around me and I hugged her quickly.

"If you make your way outside Tonks, I'll come and sit with you in a minute!" I smiled, and she nodded, walking out with everybody else.

I turned to look at Remus, my smile sliding off of my face. He looked miserable.

"Goodness, Remus," I whispered, trying to catch his eye, "What on earth is the matter? You look-"

He cut me off instantly, "Nothing, Ava. I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Hey," I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him onto the staircase so that we weren't in the way of everybody else, "You made me promise to tell you when something's bothering me, and there is clearly something bothering you, Remus. I care about you, and I want to make sure that you're okay. I didn't see you for a year, and now that I'm back here I need to know that everything is fine."

"Ava," Remus started reluctantly with a gulp, "You really shouldn't worry about me-"

"Why?" I muttered, "You worry about me all the time, shouldn't it be my turn?"

Remus stared at me in silence for a moment, "You're just like James and Sirius- did you know that? They used to worry about me all the time, even when they had issues of their own to deal with."

I gulped, hesitating for a moment, "I'm sure they'd probably want me worrying about you, otherwise no one else would."

Remus shook his head with a sigh, "It's Tonks. She-"

"Oi, you two- we're waiting in the garden you know!" Ron shouted from the back door, and Remus nodded, quickly stepping down the staircase and into the garden.

I stared after him in silence, leaning against the banister.

"You alright, Ava?" George asked as he and Fred walked through the front door and towards the garden.

"Of course," I smiled at them both, following them out towards the tables.

"It's weird having everyone here like this," Fred muttered quietly, staring out at the table, "It isn't quite right... is it? Considering everything else that's going on?"

I started to reply, but suddenly a patronus came streaking across the garden and stopped in front of Mrs. Weasley. It was only when the silver weasel began to speak in Mr. Weasley's voice that I noticed he wasn't in the garden with us.

"Minister for Magic coming with me."

Remus stood up, casting an apologetic look at Harry as he muttered, "We shouldn't be here. Harry- I'm sorry- I'll explain another time-"

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